Forum:Need more info on Omega

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If anyone has read the book Search for the Doctor so many times, could they please add the information on Omega during the time the story is placed in his life and even though it's a game book, go by the correct way in the book, I mean the story ending in what seems to be the correct ending if you know what I mean. --Vitas 10:01, 16 March 2008 (UTC)

According to our Tardis:Canon policy, it's in a bit of a grey area, it's not quite a FASA game book and not quite a novelisation, though it has elements of the two and your definition is as a game book. Also given the duality of the story means that there would probably be different stylings to the book given which path you choose. Also the 'correct path' is depended on how you play through the book, choosing your adventure. --Tangerineduel 13:44, 16 March 2008 (UTC)

Well we can at least say what his plan was in Search for the Doctor and how he was defeated in the end. --Vitas 07:52, 17 March 2008 (UTC)

Well no, because that would still be including a non-canon element in the article. Also given that it is a choose your own adventure isn't there an outcome where he isn't defeated? If you really want to add an Apocryphal section to the end of the article. --Tangerineduel 12:43, 17 March 2008 (UTC)