Forum:IRC channel

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I Don't know if this is something that the wiki should consider but i thought i would bring it up. its pretty much a chat room for member to talk about the wiki, alert any present admins of vandalism or holding meeting with a higher success rate than on a forum (due to people being aware of the discussion. also with the current disscution about the shout box it seems like a good time to raise the issue.

an example is here.

Once again just an idea discuss. --Dark Lord Xander 10:44, 16 August 2008 (UTC)

You can chat on the talk box widget . Me and Skittles the hog talked it for a while but i think hes away know . At present its very empty and boring and people rarley stop by . Quark16 20:23, 19 August 2008 (UTC)

Im back now quark, User:The Librarian has also started using it, it is a better alternative as the wookiepedia page as it is just long and boring to read. As long as the shout box isnt terned into a place where we can't discuss random fan topics like me and Quark do this is a great idea and other should be made aware of it. Thanks--Skittles the hog 16:38, 24 August 2008 (UTC)

I found a guide that seems to explain how to embed a chat into a wiki page. The page should be here. Hope it helps. --TheOmnius 18:19, 19 January 2009 (UTC)