Forum:Vanilla Edition?

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I've seen reference to a "Vanilla Edition" released alongside a particular disc, what is this referring to? For example,

Time Crash

Does this refer to the "to be continued" type episodes? Is it a specific Dr Who reference, or is it used elsewhere? Thanks for your time, my searches didn't turn much up.

I think it might mean when the DVD has the episode and nothing else. You know, no commentaries, no deleted scenes, no extras. Plain and boring like vanilla ice cream.
No guarantees though. I've only bought boxed sets and I'm really just extrapolating from the use of Vanilla in Magic the Gathering. -<Azes13 17:51, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
yep. Vanilla means just the episodes and the menu, nothing else. --Stardizzy2 18:05, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

Makes sense. Thanks! Sorry, I forgot to sign my first post. Littlblueyes 18:11, 9 December 2008 (UTC)