Forum:Meaning of Donna Noble's name?

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Is there any meaning in Donna Noble's name? I randomly began to hum "Dona Nobis Pacem" while watching a recent episode, and I had to wonder, is there more to Donna's name? Any thoughts about her name (or any other sidekicks' names)?

'Donna' is derived from the Latin for 'lady/woman' if that helps.
As it happens, so does 'Rose'.Bad Wolf Bad Wolf 21:27, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
Noble itself is a word, which was refered to in The Fires of Pompeii; "You call yourself noble", a good double meaning there. User:Steed 21:17 February 18 2009 (UTC)
I looked the surname noble up on the internet,apparently it means "one who is high born" this could apply to donna as she was born with a great destiny.This definition is very vague though so it probably wont help deduce any more information--666hotline 10:26, 12 April 2009 (UTC)