Forum:Proposal: New spoiler image

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&nbsp Watching Forest of the Dead, i thought that the shot of the doctor grabbing the "spoiler" book would be a good image for the spoiler template. Spoiler1.jpg Ehsteve23 13:54, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

Perhaps, but the image requires thought and connection to a particular story. The image currently in use is more visually arresting. It's a stop sort of signal, this image whilst connected to the idea of a 'spoiler' isn't a stop and look. Also as the spoiler tag is used through all 4 series' (K9, Torchwood, SJA and Doctor Who) the image shouldn't be one that is specifically connected to one and require the person reading it to have seen a specific story to understand the connection. --Tangerineduel 14:48, 9 July 2009 (UTC)
I like it. I would make it square, though. round looks a little strange. --Stardizzy2 19:18, 11 July 2009 (UTC)
Tried it within the spoiler tag, it's not that bad. Even the circle, if it could be a cleaner circular crop it's be better (as this image is pretty blurry around the edges). The image on a white background is as striking as the current in use image. So if there's a clearer image lurking around we can give it ago. --Tangerineduel 15:05, 13 July 2009 (UTC)