Howling:The Gate

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In the Sarah Jane Adventures tomorrow - The wedding of Sarah Jane Smith - The Trickster tells The Doctor something about 'The Gate'. 'The Gate' also has something to do with The End of Time because it has been heard whilst filming. Could The Gate be something to do with the darkness if so are the timelords coming through it? Any other ideas? Saxon 3 17:14, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

Maybe it has something to do with the gates of elyssium ? something time war related anywho :)

The Gates of Elysium was the place where Davros died and from what I can surmise is where most of the casualties occured. There has been speculation early on that the time war would be fleshed out in detail at some time during the series. with the master and time lords back, maybe the time war will become unlocked and the war will commence and be "the end of time", i know i went into too much detail Geffe71 04:52, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

Maybe the time lords are stuck behind the gate, and the doctr has to make a choice. Either set the time lords free or let Donna die.Saxon 3 17:18, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

The Gate was also referenced in an interview that Russell T. Davies did with the Radio Times for the release of The Next Doctor. His exact wording was:

“After that, we’ll be heading towards the momentous day when the key to that blue box is passed on, and the 11th Doctor storms into your lives. Just think of the adventures to come. Though, you’ll still have David at the helm of the Tardis this time next year. But oh, what a Christmas that’s going to be. Let’s just say that dark forces are gathering already. The Gate is waiting and life will never be the same again…” Slartibarto 16:31, November 4, 2009 (UTC)

Makes me wonder one thing; with the forces of Darkness gathering at the Gate: If the Pantheon of discord is behind it, would that mean the Master isn't the big bad in the final story? We know that the Pantheon want to spread chaos and, as nasty as he is, the Master wants to establish order(with himself in charge, obviously) Could his goals be similar to the Doctor's in this story, as it relates to the gate? - CB

I doubt the pantheon of discord is behind the events in the xmas specials. The Master is definitely behind it all - as well as a few other certain time lords perhaps. Saxon 3 08:56, November 6, 2009 (UTC)

What about the Eye of Harmony? We know that Omega was trapped for thousands of years on the other side. If Gallifrey has been sucked through as well, it would explain a few things; why the Doctor can't sense other the other Time Lords, why the TARDIS needs to use other sources for fuel (i.e. the Cardiff rift) - CB

Gallifrey burnt along with Skaro. The Eye of Harmony is likely to have stopped working seeing as Gallifrey was destroyed - just like travel to parallel universes. I'm pretty sure The Gate is refering to the gates of Elysium because it would be just like the series 4 arc - The Medusa Casade was first mentioned in The Last of The Time Lords. The Gates of Elysium were first mentioned in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, R.T.D has stated that the four 2009 specials will form a loose arc - wich obviously involves the warnings of the doctors death, but it could include other things aswell including The Gate. He has also said that the last three specials will be strongly connected - unfortunately we will not know how until the waters of mars have aired, which by the way is in 9 days!!! Saxon 3 14:45, November 6, 2009 (UTC)

A third mention of 'The Gate' this time specifically an 'Immortality Gate' was made in the 14th-20th of November issue of the Radio Times. Russell T Davies said: "The Master's return is just the start of our biggest, most heart-breaking story yet. The Immortality Gate is waiting." Slartibarto 16:50, November 10, 2009 (UTC)

Brilliant - which indicates that something bigger than the The Master is going to happen. The Immortality Gate, hmmm seems a fun way to bring the Time Lords back, maybe the Time Lords are stuck behind the Immortailty Gate and theyr'e waiting for The Doctor.But if that's trye, why did the trickster say "you speak to me of loneliness, when the gate is waiting for you..."?, maybe he needs to trap himself in the gate in order fir the rest of the timelords to be free.Saxon 3 17:13, November 10, 2009 (UTC)

And what's this about another terror, which means The Master isn't the only enemy! Which means there is someone/something else worst than The Master.Saxon 3 18:15, November 10, 2009 (UTC)

Yes well RTD has confirmed that there are a couple of new aliens appearing. There probably the last aliens of the time war. Michael Downey 09:50, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

The BBC Press Release on 'The End of Time Part 1' had this to say: "...the battle ranges from the wastelands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate...". It is obviously quite important to the final story. Slartibarto 14:25, November 24, 2009 (UTC)