Howling:Why does the Governor want the Mastere to return

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As we saw tonight we saw the master get resurected but why did the Governor and Trefusis want the Master to live. It appeares they have died, but it completly fails the plot if one of them has died, I think The Governor is the Rani. Who knows?--Catkind121 19:40, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

Because they were loyal minions of him back when he was in power. He had a lot of... contacts as prime minister. Delton Menace 11:18, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

I am not sure and they are not called the cult of Saxon. BNut we may find out in part 2. --Catkind121 20:19, December 27, 2009 (UTC)

To be honest, the way RTD returned the Master was very dull. It seems like his head was full of the return of the Time Lords, so he could not think of any better way. If John Simm hadn't done such an excellent acting and the Timothy Dalton-teaser wouldn't have been so promising, I would be very disappointed by End of Time so far. And so the Governor and Trefusis behaviour can be explained: it was RTD thinking: I need the Master back, I need the Master back, so let's get him back... anyway... don't get me wrong, but this two minutes or so of this episode looked like fanfiction. I really hope they won't even mention it in Part 2, concentrate on the Time Lords, that will make the show... 20:28, December 27, 2009 (UTC)

This is The Howling, not a critical lair... just saying. It's for theorising. And to Catkind121: The governer said they "Never lost faith" in him, unlike Lucy, so they certainly seem to be a cult dedicated to him. Also note that they knew about the ring and at least one of them knew his real name. Because of that, it means that he wasn't simply prime minister to them. They knew he was alien, and he probably currupted them into beliving him to be their God, judging by their behaviour. Delton Menace 20:44, December 27, 2009 (UTC)