Howling:Time is in Flux

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The new series constantly states that time is in flux, likely as a way to get rid of many continuity errors such as why, 1n 2012, did Henry van Statten not recognise the Dalek after the Dalek invasion in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End. However in The Waters of Mars (set in 2059) Adelaide remembers the Dalek invasion. This seems to imply that time changes take place along the Doctor's personal timeline. Is this a coincedence? Or is the Doctor somehow a lot more important than everything else?--TemporalSpleen 14:11, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

The Doctor doesn't need to be more important: you can just accept that he's moved into a new timeline or it diverged after the events of Dalek. 17:06, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

wibbly wobbly timey whimey Geffe71 17:10, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Exactly. The Dalek Invasion of '09 hadn't going to would happen. Of course, the biggest problem with time travel is simply one of grammar... 17:13, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

I think Dalek was the one event that got altered. People during that episode seem to act as if they haven't really had many invasions before, either. I think it was Adam that acted as if there hadn't been anything alien other than what was discovered, like no big invasions. And that was 2012!

There has been countless invasions in the early 21st century mainly due to humans sending sattelites out, which attracts other life, as the Doctor said. The Dalek invasion was clearly rememebered in 2059, so I don't know why it wouldn't be remembered in 2012 after evertything that happened!

At least Fear Her, which is set in 2012, shows people reacting the alien things as a natural thing: when Rose mentioned the spaceship and aliens, the council man reacted normally and wasn't suprsied. The girl's mother wasn't too suprsiued when she learnt her daughter had been posessed by an alien, either. Now, THAT is good continuity. The producers were probably aware there would be many invasions between 2007 and 2012 now. Delton Menace 18:09, January 4, 2010 (UTC)