Howling:Was "The Woman" two characters?

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Was "the Woman" Wilfe saw a different entity from "the Woman" the Doctor saw? The question came up as to how she could break the time lock, in order to contact Wilf, but what if: 1. The Woman that the Doctor saw was his mother 2. She was able to communicate with a transcendent entity (like the White Guardian) as to the Time Lords' intentions to initiate the final sanction 3. The White Guardian, who we know can assume other forms, managed to communicate the need for the Doctor to take action to Wilf (in a similar manner to his assuming the Lord President's form when contacting Romana in the Key to Time series) just some thoughts...cb

Why would the White Guardian take the same form as the Woman? Jim393 20:40, March 5, 2010 (UTC)

There's no real evidence to support it, but I personally kinda like the thought. Of course, I was hoping it was the White Guardian from the start. Still, with no evidence it's just a hypothesis like all the other ideas floating about. I guess we'll never really know unless it gets addressed in some future episode. Spreee 20:53, March 5, 2010 (UTC)Spreee

Well, there is the mystery of how the Woman would have gotten out of the Time Lock to talk to Wilf in the first place, how she appeared on a TV screen, how she appeared on the spaceship, ect.. And why she said she was lost long ago when she appeared to Wilf. But the Woman with the Time Lords seemingly hadn't even left the Time War, and loked slightly younger. It's very strange.

My theroy is:

The Woman that appears to Wilf is the same as The Woman in the Time War, but she is the Woman further on her personal timeline - the Woman that appeared to Wilf was the deceased manifestation of the Woman killed in the Time War, hence why she was "lost long ago," and was warning Wilf of the events to come because she remembered them happening further back on her personal timeline.

I believe Russel T. Davies commented that a clue as to the Woman's identity is her costume - all completely white, like the White Guardian. Alternatively, it might apply to the fact that the Doctor looked at Donna (who was wearing all white) when asked who he Woman (who wore all white when appearing to Wilf) by Donna's grandfarther. Plus, how "the Woman" apparantly means "la Donna" and Donna's full name can translate to "royal time woman" or something like that. My two cents. :) Delton Menace