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So, there is a problem with the timeline, because Rory is Amy's boyfriend, and Rory's medical card says he got it in 1990. Now, if the current year (in show) is 2010 (likely, because of the technology), any Amy was 8 when she first met the Doctor, that means she is 20 during the Atraxi incident. If Rory is Amy's boyfriend, he's not likely to be more than 5 yaers older than her, and so that means, at most, he was 5 years old when he became a nurse. Because of the technology, this means there is a problem with the timeline. -- Dragonfree 19:18, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

This could be many of things and I hopefully believe they will be solved throughout the series. It could be anything, it could even be an in-joke towards how name badges are always printed wrong. We just can't tell from this point on. -- Michael Downey 19:22, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

Most reports (well, pretty much all) cited Amy Pond's child meeting with the Doctor as 1996, placing the main episode in 2008, explaining the technology and cultural references (Facebook, Twitter, ect.), and then last part in 2010, fitting with later in the series, where he returns to present day Earth - 2010. Amy was 7 when she first met the Doctor, meaning she was 19 in their second encounter, and 21 when she started traveling with him. Karen Gillan herself is quite clearly very young and in her early 20s, I don't see a problem there.

The only problem is Rory's infamous ID badge - it said 1990. However, theroy suggests that that date was deliberate, and it has something to do with time messing up. The camera clearly focuses on the badge - and in the Doctor's vision of all times. It seems they wanted us to see it. Rory is seemingly not much older than Amy, and it seems that he only just became a nurse recently in the episode, he may be probably 22 or 23. But there is something very suspcious about his ID badge, like I said - I think that out-of-place date was put there for a reason.

Delton Menace 20:33, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

They wouldn't mess up a prop that's so important as to fill the screen for 4 seconds. It would be like the Sonic Screwdriver flashing red for no adequately explored reason :/ Cannon881 11:07, April 6, 2010 (UTC)

Looking at my Radio Times, get ready for more controversy, people. Amy's Choice is set "five long years since Amy travelled in the Tardis (sic) with her mysterious Doctor", and episodes 8 & 9, supposedly the Silurian episodes, are set in 2015... good news, this may be proof EH ended in 2010. Bad news, in about 6 and a half weeks time, the timelines will be five years out of date again. :/ Cannon881 19:51, April 7, 2010 (UTC)

First they force the last stories to by in sync, then we have the final scene of The Eleventh Hour in 2010 sitting there nicely, then someone has to go and make the Doctor leave Amy for 5 years, with the following story being set in 2015... God help us. I'm griping to my hope that Amy'c Choice is all a dream, and when they're in 2015, the Doctor just said to Amy, "Wanna see the near-future?" Delton Menace 20:19, April 7, 2010 (UTC)