Forum:Is 'Rumours' really needed after the episode airs?

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There have been plenty of stories that had their 'Rumours' section removed after their aired. Why has this not applied to recent episodes in series fnarg? It's just looks brutally messy and irrelivant having rumours there once the episode has aired. It looks good before it has aired, but after? Eh, it looks like pointless page clutter. Can we remove an episode rumours after the episode has aired, like has been done with previous series storied? Well, it was done with some of them. It's a mess when it comes to rumours. Personally, rumours belong in 'Behind the Scenes' for before an episode airs, in my opinion. And they're completely irrelivant after it airs. Delton Menace 22:28, April 24, 2010 (UTC)

A few of them are interesting in their own right, and even more are at least interesting as a sort of record of what was going on in fandom at the time. But that vast majority of them are not. You can see the difference by looking at how many rumors are mentioned for classic-series stories vs. new-series stories. If people have a good sense of what rumors a fan in, say, 2015 is going to care about, the ideal solution would be to strip it down to match the classic stories. If that's too hard, maybe they need to be removed to the forums, like the discontinuity stuff. -- 05:47, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

As the poster above says some form of record is useful, it's for the same reason that they're on the classic series.
It seems a little odd now because the episodes are very fresh in our minds, but they are useful.
However as with everything all rumours need to be cited, so anything that doesn't have a citation on the new series pages should be removed (or have a source found for them). --Tangerineduel 15:35, April 27, 2010 (UTC)