Howling:5 things to look for: Accusations / Proclomations

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So, one thing that I've noticed a few times is the fact that many of the villains have been claiming that they would do anything to save their race...but what does The Doctor do?! I don't know if this is one of the "5 things to look out for" but I feel as though it's a reoccurring theme. So far, I think I've only heard it three times, but there may have been more instances that I've forgotten.

1. Victory of the Daleks -- Churchill will do "anything to win the war" in order to save the British people.
2. Vampires in Venice -- Rosanna Calvieri will "bend the heavens to save [her] race, while [The Doctor] philosophizes"
3. The Hungry Earth -- Alaya says that "I'll gladly die for my cause, what will you sacrifice for yours?" in reference to dying to save her people.

I dunno if anyone thinks there's any merit to this, but I thought it was interesting. Musedae 00:59, May 23, 2010 (UTC)

This does seem to be a recurring theme, and I can think of two other examples (although I can't think of any examples from TEH or TToA/FaS).

In The Beast Below, Liz 10 was willing to do anything, even to make the most terrible decision imaginable (I forget exactly how she phrased it), to save the people of England. Meanwhile, while Amy doesn't say as much, she's apparently willing to risk anything to save the last of the star whales.

In Victory of the Daleks, the Davros-Daleks were willing to be exterminated (and to face the Doctor, which is something Daleks normally would not willingly do) in order to save the true Dalek race, although I don't think they had any lines quite like the ones you're looking for.

This may or may not be related to the fact that there are a lot of "last of their race" situations going on, which also seems to be a recurring theme. Amy made the explicit connection between the Doctor and the star whale, and Rosanna made the connection between the Doctor and her family, so they're at least loosely tied together. --Falcotron 02:39, May 23, 2010 (UTC)

I just mentioned the lines because they were what I remembered most clearly. I don't remember anyything from the Eleventh Hour, but I do vaguely remember the Angels asking the Doctor to sacrifice himself in order to save them, so that might be loosely related. I agree with you, Falcotron, in that there is a lot of "last of their race" situations coming up, and this is definitely going to be something we'll see in the finale. Or at least, that's my belief. We've seen it too many times for it NOT to be somehow important. Musedae 15:50, May 24, 2010 (UTC)

I'd have to watch it again, but I don't think the Angels asked the Doctor to sacrifice himself to save them; it's just that the Doctor figured out that he could sacrifice himself to save everyone else (Amy, River, the Clerics, and maybe even all of the people on the planet). Maybe he also figured out that the Angels expected him to do exactly that and were counting on it.
But I remembered another scene in FaS: at some point, River tells Octavian something like (paraphrasing), "When the Doctor is around, your job is to do everything in your power to keep him alive, because he's the one who's going to save the day." How does that tie in? --Falcotron 04:57, May 25, 2010 (UTC)
The angels did ask him to go into the crack and when he asked what the point would be, Angel Bob said "your friends will be saved to" or something like that. V00D00M0NKY 10:19, May 25, 2010 (UTC)