Howling:Vote on the Pandorica

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What is the box; what’s in the box?

If anybody knows how to set up voting stuff better please feel free to alter this.

Vote for:

the most satisfying (best)
least satifying (worst)
most likely (probably)

Put your name after each suggestion. Change you mind as often (feel free to bluff) as you want up until on Saturday Morning. They are not all mutually exclusive so you can have 1 and 2 as best; 5 and 20 as the worst and so on.

You can add you name at the approprate bulet point!

Add extra alternatives but try to keep the list clear; no discussion or argument.

1. A Schrödinger cat. I shall call him Pixel and he shall be my friend.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable
  1. --4me 12:27, June 14, 2010 (UTC) (though I might be bluffing on this...)

2. E-space – all that entropy comes back. That’s probably not nice.

  • worst
  1. --4me 12:27, June 14, 2010 (UTC) (worst)
  • best
  • probable

3. Reality – we are already looking inside the Pandorica when it opens we can get back to the real world.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

4. Omega – A Time Lord

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

5. The Master – Another time lord.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

6. A demon – similar to the beast.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable
  1. TemporalSpleen 15:49, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

7. The Omega Point. (It has Five things you know).

  • worst
  • best
  1. -- Jack Chilli 13:44, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

8. Moffat sitting at a desk writing ‘and he saw a man sitting at a desk writing ‘and he saw a man sitt.. probable

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

9. A mirror with a reflection of the Doctor banging helplessly on the other side of the glass forever.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

10. Daleks (or another big non timelord enemy)

  • worst
  1. DreamSong 06:25, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
  • best
  • probable

11. A young girl called Amy dreaming of a raggerdy man.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

12. Rory with some ice cream and a note explaining where he’s been.

  • worst
  • best
  1. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

13. The antimatter doctor.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

14. A McGuffin (with fries)

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

15. Anti-time; just about enough to cancel out all of the time there is.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

16. Noel Edmonds and £250 000 (or 1p).

  • worst
  • best
  1. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Lu-igi board
  • probable

17. An Angel (not the weeping kind)

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

18. Nothing. Literally nothing.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

19. Everything. All of the possibilities that can evey be waiting to be chosen.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

20. A note saying ‘We apologise for the inconvenience’.

  • worst
  • best
  1. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

21. A big sparky style switch with an on and off position. It looks really old and wonky. There is a piece of red Dymo tape stuck next to it saying 'Reality'

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

22. It's a trap designed to remove the Doctor from reality.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

23. Its a mental device that wakes the Doctor up after he was smacked on the head by Amy with a bat and went into a coma. Bad dreams.

  • worst
  1. -- Jack Chilli 13:44, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • best
  • probable

24. Captain Jack Harkness, half naked (like in Bad Wolf (TV story)), jumping out of the box and singing Happy Birthday...

  • worst
  • best
  1. --4me 13:04, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

25. Rick Astley. No really.

  • worst
  • best

1. Lu-igi board

  • probable

26. Rose with her giant gun.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

27. Some guy on a toilet.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

28. Something entirely new, never seen before

  • worst
  • best
  1. -- Jack Chilli 13:49, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable
  1. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

29. Morbius

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

30. A screen that says "You just lost the game".

  • worst
  1. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Lu-igi board
  • best
  • probable

31. A sign that says "out for cleaning".

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

32. Lolcats. "Im in ur pandorica eatin ur most feared being in teh univarse."Pandorica.jpg

  1. Cannon881 21:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Lu-igi board
  3. Dragonfree
  • probable

33. A combination of ever Internet meme ever--all your lolcats in ur pandorica eating ur ninja's balls with their pirate eye-beams are belong to Al Gore (just to get the rest out of the way).

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

34. Zaphod Beeblebrox. The Pandorica isn't just a prison; it punishes you by showing you the entire universe and your place in it, to drive you mad with your own insignificance. He thought it was pretty hoopy, but the sponge cake was a bit dry.

35. The Master of the Land of Fiction. We're still in the middle of The Mind Robber.

  • worst
  • best
  1. TemporalSpleen 15:49, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

36. See 35, s/The Mind Robber/The Celestial Toyroom/g.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

37. Galactus. Remember, Doctor Who takes place in the Marvel Universe.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

38. A sign that says "Gone fishin'"

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

39. A jar of pickled eggs.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

40. It's stonehenge durr. It'll be a bunch of druids.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

41. Cthulhu waits dreaming.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

42. Santa on drugs

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

43. Somewhere to imprison The Doctor (A sensible one this time)

  • worst
  • best
  • probable
  1. --Jack Chilli 13:44, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

44. A pole (for Amy to do some pole dancing)

  • worst
  • best
    • (Well, or anyway I'd complain less than re: an RTD finale) Agonaga 04:57, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

45. The Doctor, imprisoned in his relative future.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

45. The Doctor, imprisoned in his relative future.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

46. Mint condition copies of all of the lost recordings.

  • worst
  • best
  1. TemporalSpleen 16:03, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

47. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

48. A screen with the words: "Game Over". The Doctor then clicks "Play Again", leading us into a repeat of "An Unearthly Child".

  • worst
  • best
  1. TemporalSpleen 16:03, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

49. The Oubliette of Eternity

  • worst
  • best
  1. TemporalSpleen 16:03, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
  • probable

50. Stephen Hawking

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

51. An entire mint condition set of all Doctor Who: Battles in Time cards

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

52. John Lennon

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

53. Ronald McDonald

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

54. A birthday cake. All the aliens have gathered to throw the Doctor a party. And the Daleks wear party hats whilst saying "Celebrate! Celebrate!

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

55. Jack Sparrow. Sorry, sorry. Captain Jack Sparrow.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

56. A Crack.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

57. The untempered schism. He looks in and sees himself as an eight year old looking in through the other side, and that's why he ran away and stole the TARDIS.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

58. A wrestling ring for all Doctors to fight in to prove who is best.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

59. The Fendahl, a creature so frightening that the Time Lords looped the planet it had most recently eaten and erased its entry from the database and yet it still managed to escape.

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

60. The Doctor's secret porn stash

  • worst
  • best
  • probable

99. None of the above.

100. And the real answer was:

Add suggestions above, keep discussion below.

Can we add stuff? I would like it to be 24. --4me 12:27, June 14, 2010 (UTC) (I can do the poll stuff, but it would take three different poll (one for each: best, worst, probably, do you want that?)

I don't think it's Dalek related at all - they are already at the scene, anyway. You should have put "A new, unknown enemy", cuz that's what it is likely to be. The evil dude. 12:32, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
You're all wrong. There are rumours of Rose Tyler coming back. It will be her holding her giant gun. :) User:Solar Dragon/Signature 12:41, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
Maybe it is Paloma Faith not Rose Tyler gone blonde after the ginger controversy. Its easy to see how those too could get mixed up. Winehousefan, 13:45, June 14, 2010, [UTC]

Or it's the world's biggest rickroll. The evil dude.. 12:50, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

Well it looks like the formatting is being worked on by better skilled people. Try to keep it tidy and stuff. Just add the suggestions in but keep them clear and short. Jack

A limit of 99 suggestions seems approprate as long as they are sensible or potentially funny. Jack Chilli 14:30, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

Can't believe I was the one to add The (Finale) Doctor to the list. Score for the new guy :D Agonaga 04:57, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Out of 99 possibilities, not one mentions the Rani? I'm happily surprised! :-) BrainySpecs 05:35, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Don't mention the Rani! I did it once but I think I got away with it. Jack Chilli 09:51, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

It is the Doctor but a bad one connected with wireThe mysterious 05:37, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

The Pandorica is empty, it's a prison meant to contain The Doctor and many of the Doctor's foes trap him inside and it's up to Amy to free him. Am I cheating because I saw the promotional stills? DoctorForHire 14:09, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

Meaning the winner was: 43. Somewhere to imprison The Doctor (A sensible one this time) by JackChili :) Agonaga 01:16, June 20, 2010 (UTC)