Forum:Whats the deal with the doctors love life

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I am a bit confused with the Doctor's love life, how should we tackle it on this wiki. Growing up I just assumed that the doctor wasn't interested in his companions just becaues he didn't think about them that way. Its like not every attractive women you know personally is a romantic interest. The only two I thought could have been were Jo and Sarah but thats kinda it. Some spin off material though treats it as a he cant love because he is an alien but I don't like this take as it kinda makes him less complex. He has other emotions and a grand daughter so he should, to be honest I don't really see why he should be so Asexual I mean I don't really like him constantly getting off with everyone but I never understood why he has all these other emotions but not that one. The new series has made it even wierder. Here he acts asexual alot, he acts clueless around women. He has had lots of hot chicks fall in love with him and never done anything about it. Like Rose he din't do anything for two years Martha thats insane he didn't do anything there. So you think he's Asexual then [not homosexual as guys like Jack Harkness have been interested in him and he didn't do anything there] but then they confuse things by not only having the meta crisis tenth doctor and Rose going off for some mad cross species sex in that alternate world, but they have the doctor fool around with Queen Elizabeth. Its not like that is a joke [other matt smith stories have pretty much conformed it] So he dosen't fool around with Martha a really hot chick that saved his life a bunch of times or Amy pond another hot chick that saved his life but he will with some evil mad bitch. Alos there is River Song too thats kinda romantic. Yet when Amy kisses him he acts like "your human" well so was Rose and Benny Sumerfield and Queen Elizabeth. So what do we put when it comes to his love life. Based on some comments like "your a very beautiful wome probably" do we put that he dosen't like human women except for wierd circumstances, maybe he has a thing for cockneys which is why he likes rose regardless of species and a thing for really brainy chicks which is why he likes River and Benny too regardless of species. Queen Elizabeth is one I don't understand, but still is he meant to be Asexual except for a few circumstances or just not liking human women. I personally think that he generally dosen't go for human women other than cockneys and brainy chicks but he is not asexual as he has been married and had a family. Despite the whole Loom thing I think it is pretty obvious that he has at least had time lord girlfriends as not only does the tv show both old and new mention time lord children but he also mentions being a dad and his own wedding. I suppose you could say that he didn't fool around with Amy because she had a boyfriend but still the way he acts like your human does kinda make it more confusing. Winehousefan: 22:15, June 14, 2010 [UTC]&nbsp