Howling:Parting of the Ways - Song

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In Parting of the Ways, near the end, Rose wakes up and states that she heard music, the Doctor jokes and says "I sang a song, and the Daleks ran away" or something to that effect. I was wondering what that music could be that she heard. I know we hear the singing, which sounds similar to Ood songs. I was wondering if what we heard was the Doctor's song starting (Since the Tenth Doctor was to have a song, not any others). --Frembra talk to me 11:14, April 9, 2012 (UTC)Frembra

An interesting theory, and very probable, but I doubt it's what RTD had in mind. to me 11:23, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, I doubt that RTD had actually come up with the Ood's story arc that early. I doubt he even knew they would make a return appearance after The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit came out. Most likely, Rose and the Doctor's lines had more to do with the fact that Rose was still a bit loopy after having the vortex in her head, and the Doctor was a bit loopy because he was regenerating. Besides, does the Doctor's song actually literally exist when he's not in telepathic contact with the Ood? They were never very clear on the nature of these songs. The 10th Doctor's song wouldn't have started until a couple of minutes later anyway, though Rose may have heard the end of the Ninth Doctor's song.Icecreamdif talk to me 15:27, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

Perhaps it was a way of breaking the fourth wall? There was music during the scene in which Rose was the Bad Wolf so maybe her powers had allowed her to break into the real world and hear the music playing to the audience? to me 16:39, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

I always assumed that it was just a reference to the music that was playing during that scene, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that the Bad Wolf gave her the power to break into the real world. That would imply that the Doctor could theoretically pass through the void to our world, which apart from obviously being impossible, would just end up as complicated and stupid as the most recent episodes of Red Dwarf. In reality, Rose was probably referencing the music playing during that scene, and in-universe she was probably just a little bit out of it after having the time vortex inside of her head.Icecreamdif talk to me 18:37, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

I think it was the theme from The Prisoner, which was composed by Ron Grainer. Somewhat more seriously, Rose had the Time Vortex with the whole of reality running through her mind. How would her mind make sense of that neurologically? Try closing your eyes and pressing -- not to heavily, please -- on your eyelids. Because the nerves in your eyes interpret all sensations as light, you will see light. Perhaps the brain centers that deal with music were the ones that held the experience best. Add in a bit of a metafictional reference to the Doctor Who theme and there you are. However, over all, it's not a particularly important or compelling question to most of us. Boblipton talk to me 20:06, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

Nah, if Rose heard any music from The Prisoner, it would have been Dem Bones. Actually, if the Bad Wolf Entity and the Time Vortex were involved, the last episode of The Prisoner almost comes kind of close to sort of making sense. Icecreamdif talk to me 01:33, April 11, 2012 (UTC)

i do think that rose was really just out of it and the time vortex appeared to her dormant mind as music, and i always thought the ood song thing didn't literally mean a song, but rather a story. in the old days, stories were often told through song, so the ood are just referencing that chapter in the story of the doctor's life, and it coming to an end just meant the end of that story, and the doctor was worried because he didn't think that there would be another track on the album once his song was finished, if you get what i'm saying (and if you don't i mean he was worried because the 10th doctor thought that there would be no song [story/chapter of his life] to follow the end of his one, which there obviously was as 10 turned into 11 and the next song [story/chapter of his life] started.) Imamadmad talk to me 13:36, April 19, 2012 (UTC)

Well, I think that Ten knew that it was likely that there would be another track after his song ended, but as he said to Wilf, he didn't want his song to end. Icecreamdif talk to me 17:04, April 19, 2012 (UTC)