Forum:Battle of the Ood Sphere

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I created a page called Revolution of the Ood but a user has moved it to Battle of the Ood Sphere. It was a revolution so should'nt it be under its original title?--Skittles the hog 11:39, 4 May 2008 (UTC)

I'll defer to wikipedia's definition of Revolution, which details it as a socio-ecconomic or political change and/or "violent revolutions that seek not only to establish a new political system but to transform an entire society". So if you break it down the 'encounter' with the Ood was more of a battle, there were two sides, both were armed and they were fighting against the oppressive humans. So it's more of a battle. In theory because the Ood were working behind the scenes to change things it could be called a revolution, but they were more of a resistance and then there was the main battle. To put these both in perspective look at revolutions: French, Russian and Chinese, compared to World Wars I and II. (Sorry I do tend to ramble on a bit) --Tangerineduel 12:34, 4 May 2008 (UTC)

Ryder himself calls it a revolution, is'nt that enougth proof?--Skittles the hog 14:11, 4 May 2008 (UTC)

Is the phrase "Revolution of the Ood" used in the dialogue, specifically? If so then yes, it should be moved back to what it was originally. If it's just called a 'revolution' (by friends of the Ood) then not, it's still a bit contentious. --Tangerineduel 14:22, 4 May 2008 (UTC)
I don't personally understand the obsession with creating articles for things not specifically named in stories. I mean, who's gonna search for "Battle of the Ood Sphere". I understand Battle of Canary Wharf, cause that's mentioned in dialogue in Smith and Jones (and others). But why dp we need an article for a basic rehash of the plot of Planet of the Ood. Wouldn't it be better just to write, [[Planet of the Ood|Battle of the Ood Sphere]]. I mean what's next: Attack of the Lone Vespiform? Flight of the Scribble Creature? Fight for Refusis II? I think a good rule of thumb is that you shouldn't create an article about an event unless that event is referred to by a specific name in another episode. It's all well and good to create a name for an event to keep an article in-universe. But when you actually create an article with an invented name, that's exceeding our mandate here. And it's totally unnecessary since you can just rename the story article name, as indicated above. Personally, if I were referring to the events Donna and the Doctor experienced, I'd call them the "Ood revolution". CzechOut | 12:51, 10 July 2008 (UTC)
I think its important to chronicle battles and major events (Like on other wiki's) but the name should represent what happened. Also these pages should include events from all forms (comics, novels, ect) not just TV episodes if we are to create articles like these otherwise just leave it in the plot section Dark Lord Xander 13:05, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

This discussion appears to have gone nowhere, since both Revolution of the Ood and Battle of the Ood Sphere remain blue links. That implies both are seen as valid by the community, to the extent the wider community have actually thought about this. This specific page-discussion surely didn't end with any sort of major policy statement. Dark Lord Xander's idea that we should have this sort of article from stories in all media certainly hasn't happened. We only have these "Battle/War/Revolution of . . ." articles from events on TV. Still, I suppose this discussion led to Skirmish at TARDIS Wiki, a thread where specific "battle" pages were judged on their merits, and the community decided whether or not to keep them on a case-by-case basis.
czechout<staff />   15:07:10 Sun 05 Jun 2011