Forum:Redundant Colony Categories

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I've been looking through the Human colonies and Earth colonies and I don't think we need both.

  1. For Earth colonies one group (the New Earth Republic planets) and four planets (New Memphis, New Earth, Morestra and Chosan) were definitely colonies from Earth, which is the point of the category. The rest were just described as human planets, colonies from the Earth Empire or Earth colonies without specifying that the colonists were definately from Earth. Also, the Ood Sphere wasn't really a colony and Dalek-Human War isn't a planet at all, but I'll clean that up later no matter the outcome.
  2. For Human colonies, four planets (Tarron, Refusis II, Proxima 2, New Jupiter) were specifically said to been colonised from Earth, which is against the point of the category. The rest were just described as human planets, colonies from the Earth Empire or Earth colonies without specifying where the colonists were from originally.

This would suggest to me that the distinction between Earth colonies and human colonies isn't important either to the makers of Doctor Who (who presumably just have a planet with humans and not worry about where they were from originally) or to the editors of this wiki (who presumably just use the auto-complete feature or the search engine and use whichever colony category they find first). Since the point of the category is that the colony was made by humans, I suggest that we should just remove the Earth colonies category and move the pages to the Human colonies category. So, does anyone have any objections before I start? -<Azes13 04:10, August 16, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, don't waste your time. I'll take care of it. Thanks for pointing it out.
czechout<staff />   18:46:30 Thu 18 Aug 2011 
Move completed, but I haven't addressed any of the finer concerns you mentioned in your first bulleted point. I'd assert, however, that the Ood Sphere was indeed a human colony. That's the point of Planet of the Ood. The humans are in armed control of the Ood Sphere, but the Ood revolt and kick the humans off the planet. Don't get much closer to the classic definition of a (British) colony than that. But then, I'm an American, and therefore sensitive to the word.
czechout<staff />   18:56:03 Thu 18 Aug 2011 

It would seem to me that a colony would have colonists. All there seems to be is the Ood-processing center. That would seem to me to be no more a colony than Little America. Boblipton 21:19, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

But of course there are permanent human residents of the Ood Sphere. We get a direct statement that Ryder's been there for ten years trying to ensure the Ood Brain could be amplified so as to free the Ood. And we can't possibly imagine that people like Kess and his men are commuting to work every day, can we? I mean, all the security personnel have to be living on site. Beyond that, think about what a colony almost always is. It's a way to withdraw the resources of an area for the benefit of some external government. This is precisely what Ood Operations is doing. They're "harvesting" Ood, then shipping them out to the Empire. Everything about this episode is a metaphor for British colonialism.
czechout<staff />   04:44:28 Mon 22 Aug 2011