Forum:TARDIS - List of Appearances

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I noticed this doesn't exist. Perhaps we should have this article for TARDISes other than the Doctors. The Doctor's TARDIS could then say what stories it individually does not appear in. Thoughts?--Skittles the hog--Talk 14:51, January 2, 2011 (UTC)

I created this at one point earlier last year it was 'The Doctor's TARDIS - List of Appearances', along with a sub-page listing stories in which it didn't appear. (Both it and the sub-page and the talk page are deleted, but I can un-delete them if anyone's curious about the lists).
It's an interesting idea to pursue, I certainly think which stories the Doctor's TARDIS doesn't appear in is probably a more interesting list, and also stories in which other TARDIS appear. --Tangerineduel / talk 15:18, January 3, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, I think I could cover TV stories on which other TARDISes appear but other would have to add appearances in the expanded universe.--Skittles the hog--Talk 17:58, January 3, 2011 (UTC)

Opposed. Lists of appearances of non-characters (and don't try to argue that the TARDIS is a character) are flatly pointless. It's the thin end of the wedge. Where does it end? The interior of the Doctor's TARDIS - List of appearances, Sonic screwdriver - List of Appearances, Sonic lipstick - List of Appearances — ugh, I see they already exist, and, even better, in improperly-capitalised articles. Great. Not even the decency for the sentence case sonic lipstick - list of appearances, as it should be. Do what ya will, but why even start a list you can't possibly ever finish? You'll never track down every appearance in every media of the <insert your inanimate object here>, so why even trick users into believing you have by writing such an article? (Well, I guess sonic lipstick you can, because that's a relatively new device, but still, you get the point.) And once you start doing them, then the question becomes why haven't you done this other thing, like where's scarf - list of appearances, stovepipe hat - list of appearances, celery - list of appearances, cat badge - list of appearances, bowtie - list of appearances, trainers - list of appearances, brainy specs - list of appearances, leather jacket - list of appearances, recorder - list of appearances, ad infinitum. Write the articles about the objects well, and you won't need the list. As I say, though, I know people like their lists and I can't really stop ya from doin' 'em. I will say, though, that a topic like simply TARDIS - list of appearances is so broad as to be completely unuseful, rather like Earth - List of appearances. These I really hate, and think they absolutely should be deleted. If you make it about other TARDISes but the Doctor's, that's more helpfully narrow, but the thing is, all that information really should be on TARDIS. There aren't that many examples of other TARDISes, and they could be written about in more detail on the page most users will search for, rather than some awkwardly (and technically conjecturally) entitled page. There's nothing you could do with this specific list of appearances that couldn't better be done on TARDIS. CzechOut | 16:11, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
I am tempted to argue the TARDIS is a character (I can cite at least three different stories where she definitely is!). But won't.
Maybe someone will want a list of appearances of a scarf (which would surely be all of Tom Baker's appearances, plus the TVM, plus Xmas Carol, plus Xmas Invasion!).
I can still see the need/want for a list, it'd fit into the infobox neatly replacing what's there at the moment (that was my motivation for making one).
I'm always of the thought that a written out article (or section of an article) is far better than a list (Gothic stories for example is much better information wise than a list).
What is more interesting is why the Doctor's TARDIS didn't appear in certain stories (for example Rob Shearman told RTD he couldn't write TARDIS scenes, thus none appear in Dalek) is a more interesting fact than "Interior of the TARDIS - List of non-appearances".
I don't totally oppose the creation of another list article (some people find the lists interesting), but I think efforts would be better channelled into adding to the the main part of the TARDIS article or the behind the scenes section of the article. --Tangerineduel / talk 14:12, January 7, 2011 (UTC)

I can see what Czech is saying, but a list of appearances by TARDISes other than the Doctors, would be interesting.--Skittles the hog--Talk 16:31, January 7, 2011 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

This list of appearances was never created, so the proposal failed.
czechout<staff />   17:43: Sun 06 Nov 2011