Forum:The Special:Import feature

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I just discovered that Administrators can import pages from other Wikis that use the MediaWiki language (I hope that includes Wikipedia) by going to the Special:Import page. very useful. since virtually every WHO-related novel and audio has its own Wikipedia page, for example, that could make our lives much easier. I hope it can also import templates, too. anyway, just thought everyone should know in case they didn't already.--***Stardizzy*** 03:06, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

Thank God it's not as easy as all that. This wiki could have turned into a very different place if we could have just imported whole reams of articles from Wikipedia. For the record, it requires admin status on both the import and export side. None of our admins are admins at wikipedia, to my knowledge. So we'd have to get an admin or a "TransWiki importer" over there to prepare an XML file for us that we could then upload here. Could be wrong, but I don't think they're gonna be so inclined. For the record, though, it's probably a good idea to inquire of future admin where else they're an admin so that we can protect our data. Do we really want admins at an SJA-only site, for instance, to be admins here? It would potentially put our pages at greater risk of easy "theft", especially since you can import files stripped of their revision histories.
czechout<staff />   08:42:59 Tue 31 May 2011