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According to Special:WantedPages there are 1000 wanted pages. Does anyone clean this list up? If you want, I can create the pages. -- User:Deb1701

That special page lists every red link, ordered by the number of links to it. Items on the list are cleaned up on a regular basis. And there are far more than 1000. That's just how many are presented there. -- sulfur 02:18, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Want some help cleaning it up? -- User:Deb1701

How so? --Tangerineduel / talk 14:03, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Most of the other wikis I have been to, will open a "stub" page for articles that are wanted and then ask people to help create them, I could open the "stub" page and then other users could help fill it in. -- User:Deb1701

We already have countless Category:Stubs and Category:Real world stubs which all contain various subcategories
Also we don't just want people filling the wanted pages because we want them created, we want them filled with useful information. The aim is to create a useful wiki, not just one that has all its wanted pages filled.
See also Tardis:To Do List which contains links off to this category and other information related to this.
In the past there have been groups formed by groups of editors to get certain tasks done, but we have generally been of the opinion that it's better for editors to find and edit what they want or what they're interested in than to force/direct editors to create articles. --Tangerineduel / talk 15:27, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

user:Deb1701's proposal bore no fruit, but user:Tangerineduel's final response explains why the proposal should have failed.
czechout<staff />   20:54: Sun 06 Nov 2011