Forum:Whitey and Red Person

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The pages Whitey and Red Person are proposed deletions. Why? They are both recurring species in Doctor Who and need pages on them. The Red People are even going to be given a lead role in Series 5. So I vote to keep these articles because they have quite a bit of content, one has a photo and they are large parts of Doctor Who. Please don't delete these pages, because I think they're good. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 03:29, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Same with Iceworld species. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 04:16, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

A quote of Moffat about the red people would be nice. Can you find one? -- Noneofyourbusiness 07:01, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Whitey sounds very racist and so does Red Person why not call them White Alien and Red Alien. One thing that may be related that I don't understand is that the these aliens come from New Earth which exsists in 5 billion years time what are they doing in 2010. Same with the Hath, I sure hope we do find the history of the Red Aliens. --Catkind121 16:56, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

I agree with a proposed deletion due them not being given a name or even nickname and we should only create a page upon their appearance in Series 5 if they still don't appear then we can vote for an appropriate name upon conjecture. If the pages a created now it create's more work for not being patient for example if they are named. We don't even know if they are all the same people/race as in New Earth the Red Humanoid was referenced to be the way he is because of a disease/condition so for them to be categorized as the same species etc is obviously wrong. -- Michael Downey 13:21, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

"I don't understand is they come from New Earth whcih exsists in 5 billion years time what are they doing in 2010" Presumably, the same thing humans are doing in both time periods. They existed for a long time. I'm not sure the Red Person was said to be red because of a disease, wasn't he just a Red Person who also had a disease? -- Noneofyourbusiness 15:32, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

On a lighter note if SM says they will reappear does that mean an appearnec for New Earth. --Catkind121 16:56, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Noneofyourbusiness we can't tell at this time whether it was there actual look or the disease, but when you see a red person (new character) and they talk about disease you kind of automatically think that's one of the causes in a way. -- Michael Downey 21:08, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Three different Red People have been seen, they all looked pretty much the same, and were from diffrent points in time. Unless you think they're all the same individual (which would make him immoirtal), it is in no way a disease. With the existence of the White People, and how one of them was seen with one of the Red People in the 2010 era, we can assume it is their race's colour or nature. Delton Menace 23:01, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe instead of genders they have colours. Like, instead of MALEs and FEMALEs (like Humans), they have REDs and WHITEs (possible other colours). Tardis1963 05:44, February 21, 2010 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

This discussion went without resolution, thus allowing Forum:Proposed Deletion of Blue, Red and White humanoids - Yes or No.
czechout<staff />   01:42:06 Tue 31 May 2011