Forum:Why aren't two-part stories of new series put on same page?

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Something I have been wondering, why are the new series seperate episodes of one story split but the orgininal series seperate episodes of one story in the same article, if you do not understand what I mean put it this way, why is it stories like Fleash and Stone and Time of the Angels get seperate pages for each episode, while orginal series stories with more than one episode are cramed onto the same page?

And before anyone says "because they have different titles" may I make the point so do a lot of the first doctors stories, yet there still on the same page.

Can someone give me a good reason why this happens? If not shouldn't we change it?

The old series and the new Series have a different format. The old stories had the mulit-ep serials, five or six per season. The new series has a 13 episode format. It's more to do with the Series Format than the Episode one. Serials get one page, episodes get two or more. - I. Am. Excalibur-117-(talkcontribs) 18:13, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

In addition to User:Excalibur-117's explanation, there's also the one given in the Manual of Style.
czechout<staff />   21:29:19 Wed 01 Jun 2011