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We currently have two different articles about Gorgons. One is at Gorgon, the other at Gorgon (mythology). The second article asserts that the Gorgon in COMIC: The Gaze of the Gorgon "seems to be of a different species" than the one in the SJA story, Eye of the Gorgon. But I can't figure out how that's possibly so. Could someone else with access to Gaze read it and see if they can articulate how, exactly, the two species are different? I was thinking when I read it precisely the opposite of the language at Gorgon (mythology). I was thinking there was nothing to prohibit calling them the same species.
czechout<staff />   01:42: Mon 05 Dec 2011 

I don't have access to the comic. But reading our article for Gaze of the Gorgon and Altered Vistas' summary there doesn't seem to be anything that prevents them from being the same.
There are enough similarities for these two articles to be merged. --Tangerineduel / talk 11:57, December 5, 2011 (UTC)