Forum:Let's Talk: the forum's first thread

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Hi! This forum has been created as a more user-friendly replacement for the original Panopticon pages which were getting a little crowded. The intention is that this forum will encourage more discussion and cooperation on this wiki. A more unified effort will keep this wiki consistent and will help it grow and develop to the point where it will compare with the achievements of the Memory Alpha Star Trek wiki and the Wookiepedia Star Wars wiki. So let's get talking... --Mantrid 10:40, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

To help get us talking more, I borrowed an idea from Memory Alpha that hopefully will let us know more about each other. You can find our version Tardis:TARDIS crew members. Sign up folks, and be sure to include a link to your user page so we can know about you.

--Freethinker1of1 17:47, 21 August 2006 (UTC)