Forum:Chat extension

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What do you think about activating the new Chat extension on this wiki? You can see it in action at e.g. The Vault. Ausir(talk) <staff/> 02:50, July 12, 2011 (UTC)

I was just contemplating that today. We actually have a forum consensus for such a thing, Okay, that thread argued for an IRC channel, but the consensus could easily be interpreted as supporting a MediaWiki extensions that achieves the same thing. I've no objections to the notion.
czechout<staff />   05:33:22 Tue 12 Jul 2011 
If no one objects, I can activate it today. If you don't like it after all, it can always be switched off. Ausir(talk) <staff/> 14:33, July 12, 2011 (UTC)

Policy[[edit source]]

To follow along with this activation, I've written up a chat policy. Obviously we can talk about the policy implications over time and modify that policy by consensus. But it was important to have some kind of policy in place as quickly as possible. We need to have some limits staked out clearly from the very start. I've also done some testing to define what can and can't be done with the software. These findings are in the policy document.
czechout<staff />   23:53:08 Tue 12 Jul 2011