Forum:One article or two: Cimmerians and Solarians

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I'm still embellishing the various Eighth Doctor Audio Adventures, and I have a conundrum...

AUDIO: Embrace the Darkness has two alien races: the Cimmerians and the Solarians. Trouble is... they're actually the same race, separated by a few (super-evolved) generations. Shoud I make one unified entry for them, or two separate ones? -- Gousha 03:28, January 8, 2011 (UTC)

Go for two pages; even if they are the same species, you could still split the pages up based on them being different cultures. Maybe even three, with the ancestral species and the two racial subsets. Of course, I haven't heard Embrace the Darkness, so I'm not sure how accurate this assessment is. -<Azes13 06:26, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
I would create the page for the Cimmerians and include the info from the Solarians in it, because the Doctor said that there are many races in the universe known as the Solarians in that story. Revanvolatrelundar 12:56, January 8, 2011 (UTC)

Sounds good, and matches my own conclusions. I'll get that together in the next day or two. -- Gousha 18:26, January 10, 2011 (UTC)