Howling:'Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely'

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Hi, new here though I have used the wiki without an account for a while.

I was thinking back to the pandorica opens, where the Doctor says himself: "Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely,"

While the connection to an EDA novel is unlikely, it is stated that the matrix (with all timelords inside) was downloaded into the Doctor's mind, removing some of his (later restored) memories, to let the timelords and gallifrey be recreated after the book series ended.

Theoretically if nothing is ever forgotten, could the matrix, even if otherwise removed at some point, still lurk in the Doctor's mind capable of restoring Gallifrey? TheMattJordan 19:09, November 10, 2012 (UTC)

Although it may exist in the Doctors mind, I don't think it's possible for it to become physical again. Amy was a special case with being able to remember things back into existence because of the crack in her wall altering her. Also, after seeing the effects of the time war in The End of Time, I'm not sure if the Doctor would actually do it if he had the chance for fear of the past repeating itself, especially as the daleks have now re-established themselves post time war. Imamadmad 22:19, November 10, 2012 (UTC)

Amy was indeed a special case & all the things she remembered back into existence were things that had been erased by the cracks or by something related to them. The power of Amy's memory seems a specific counteragent to that cause of erasure & only to that cause. The Matrix wasn't erased by anything to do with the cracks. It was destroyed along with the rest of Gallifrey inside the time lock on the war. That's not to say there couldn't be a way to bring it back; just that it's not likely to be that way. -- to me 21:11, November 11, 2012 (UTC)