Howling:Archie from Torchwood Two explained? (Speculation)

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Could the Archie in The Name of the Doctor be connected to the same Archie Jack Harkness mentions as the head of Torchwood Two in TV: Everything Changes? An ancestor, perhaps, or the Archie? Jack was around during Archie's life in the Victorian-Era Torchwood Three, though at the tail end of the 19th century, a bit later than the year shown in this episode. We have a wise writer who has shoehorned in a fight with a guy named Archie in Glasgow against Strax, two speed bumps in the dialogue that caught my attention. Possible hints to Torchwood... or just a continuity nod...? After all, this man named "Archie" could be an alias, a namesake just like all the others floating around. --Thunderush 01:26, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

The same thing occurred to me, as soon as I heard the name. All we know about Archie's personality is that Jack Harkness thought he was a "very strange man". Someone Jack thinks is strange?... -- to me 07:39, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

BTW, I grew up near (not in) Glasgow & had some neighbours with the surname Archibald, so the nickname "Archie" might come from the surname. --[[User talk:|talk to me]] 17:10, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

89: Glad you said that. If Archibald is a surname, that would indicate lineage. It might be an ancestral Torchwood Two handed over to the mature children through family tradition. Now if only RTD would focus on a fifth installment of Torchwood, the ball could get rolling. He's letting it hibernate as long as he wants to, ten years at worst. --Thunderush 23:33, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

Names: Even if it's not a surname, naming sons after fathers or grandfathers is a fairly common practice. I'm the 4th in succession in my family with the same first name & I've several cousins who were named after their grandfathers -- all Scottish, though not all from the Glasgow area.

Torchwood: It's a while ago now, so things might have changed, but RTD said in an interview after Miracle Day that he'd "only one" other story idea for Torchwood & that it "centres on Gwen". However, the man's a writer & writers get ideas all the time -- often from the most peculiar things -- & something I've noticed as being missing from Torchwood is any clue about the fate of Torchwood Two and/or Archie. In Children of Earth, the Government tried to destroy Torchwood -- not "Torchwood Three", "Torchwood" -- & thought that it had succeeded (until Lois spoke up), yet there was no mention of Torchwood Two.

Archie wasn't mentioned in Miracle Day but, if he was in hiding, as Gwen was, he might not have been. After all, Gwen only got involved because the CIA tracked her down. If not for that, she might have stayed on the run -- shooting down the occasional helicopter, maybe, but otherwise keeping quiet.

That leaves open the possibility that Archie got away & is still on the loose. -- to me 03:09, May 20, 2013 (UTC)

Well, Archie was hinted to be a solo Torchwood operative. He'd be a smaller threat than the big collective, which would turn the attention of the Government away from him. He could sneak off and start fresh somewhere quiet. --Thunderush 18:39, May 20, 2013 (UTC)