Howling:Davros & Emperor together in Time War

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In The Parting of the Ways (TV story), we see the Dalek Emperor , whose ship fell through time and barely escaped the Last Great Time War. In The Stolen Earth (TV story) and in Journey's End (TV story) we see Davros, who escaped the Time War's Time Lock with help from Caan. I thought Davros and the Emperor were enemies. Why were they helping each other in the Time War? CloneMarshalCommanderCody 05:37, August 13, 2014 (UTC)

Simple. All the dalek forces joined together during the time war to fight the time lords as even though the emperor, davros and the other daleks may have been at odds, they realised they were better off fighting together against the time lords, then once they killed them all, then they would probably turn on davros again, since that seems to be what always happens.