Howling:How do the Tractators powers work?

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Their powers are supposed to work through manipulating gravity however some of the times they used their powers it looked more like telekinesis. This is easily seen when they are pulling someone i.e. turlough, towards them. --Coop3 17:39, July 6, 2013 (UTC)

I don't know what Tractators are, but all objects, from stars to atoms, have a gravitational pull on all other objects in the Universe, though most such attractions are too weak to be noticeable. By manipulating the strengths of these fields, such as those of the floor, walls, ceiling, and other stray objects, on their intended target, the result may appear to be telekinetic, but, for example, the object is moving towards them because their gravity on it is stronger than the gravities of the objects and surfaces in the surrounding area. (I hope that made sense, though it probably didn't.) —BioniclesaurKing4t2 - "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, . . . run." 19:53, July 6, 2013 (UTC)