Howling:Peter Davison as Omega

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In a recent interview with Peter Davison said that he would return to the show, however, has never explicitly stated that he would return as the Fifth Doctor in the same article was also written that Omega could get back on the anniversary as one of the villains. For those who remember him during his last appearance in Arc of Infinity, Omega had managed to escape from a universe of anti-matter by creating a body identical to that of the fifth doctor, however, begin to decay, and the doctor sent him back to his universe / prison. My theory is that (ignoring the stories audio) when he returned to his own universe decay in the body of Omega process but found himself once again trapped in the universe of anti-matter, many years passed and his body beginning to get old but at the end for an unknown reason (or maybe with the help of the Daleks, Zygon or maybe even the "Doctor John Hurt", who is aware of the location of Omega) managed to break free. ~ ~ ~ ~ William Warlow 18:56, October 1, 2013 (UTC)
Hey I had to change the title of your post because, even though the Howling is separated from the rest of the wiki to protect people from spoilers, posts to the Howling do show up in the "recent changes" list. So I just removed the story title, since it hasn't been released yet. Shambala108 17:20, October 1, 2013 (UTC)
Thanks for the correction, but I'm interested to know your opinion about the theory. ~ ~ ~ ~ William Warlow 19:28, October 1, 2013 (UTC)
Well it would be great to have Davison back, but I'd prefer him as the Doctor. As for your theory, it's interesting. I've noticed that most fan theories I've read end up being better than whatever Moffat puts out. I'm not especially interested in the Hurt doctor situation, mostly because it's all part of a long arc that Moffat doesn't seem to want to finish but keeps adding more to it. I'd prefer it if he just kept his hands off the classic series stuff. Shambala108 13:56, October 4, 2013 (UTC)
That's got a lot to do with the fact that fans aren't restricted in their theories by values productions issues such as licensing, availability and figuring out how much they need to bring the modern audience up to speed on details like "Omega" when they choose to do a story like this.
But, yes, Moffat's milking of his plots really isn't helping. It gives us more time to come up with such ideas and more details to build those ideas around. The fact that people are eventually likely to enjoy their own ideas more than the final official one, should hardly be considered surprising.DCT 12:15, October 5, 2013 (UTC)

Sorry but the one distinctive feature of Omega is his deep booming voice. As good of an actor as he is, Peter Davison would come off as Peter Davison in an Omega suit, rather than Omega.Phil Stone 08:04, October 6, 2013 (UTC)

Erm, isn't Omega a Time Lord? I think that problem could rather be overcome.The preceding unsigned comment was added by DCT (talk • contribs) .

Yes, but I agree with Phil, Omega has to be menacing. to me 19:33, October 7, 2013 (UTC)