Howling:The G.I. and the Shalka Doc have similar fashion sense

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Does this bother anyone else?

I started watching Scream of the Shalka today (because November is a long, long way away). So now it's bugging me that the Shalka Doctor looks so similar to The Great Intelligence in Dr. Simeon form--beyond what I'd expect based solely on them being played by the same actor. Check out this pic [1] of the Shalka Doctor and his Victorian-esque look, and this one [2] of The G.I. They've both got a big fancy trenchcoat and tie and creepy slicked-back hair. (I know it's not the same kind of tie. But still.) And it's not like REG always has slicked-back hair, right? (See[3]? Much less creepy.)

Also, the brown fur on The G.I.'s trenchcoat reminds me of the Yeti[4] (the Yeti are brown right? Is that a legit pic? Anyone seen a color still from one of the Yeti stories?), but that's hardly mysterious.

Is anyone else wondering if The G.I. stepping into the Doctor's timestream could have created some kind of G.I./Simeon/Doctor meta-crisis that resulted in the Shalka Doctor?

Cheers. Andbeonetraveler 23:38, June 13, 2013 (UTC)

P.S. I would have liked to have done a thorough check for whether this had been suggested before, before posting. If someone can tell me how to search specifically on the Howling (i.e. not the whole wiki), it would be much appreciated.Andbeonetraveler 11:42, June 14, 2013 (UTC)

Andbeonetraveler: For a Yeti in colour, watch The Five Doctors. There's also an on-location colour shot of the Yeti & Patrick Troughton here (you need to scroll down to see it). -- to me 04:35, June 14, 2013 (UTC)

I'd forgotten about that! Tx! Andbeonetraveler 11:41, June 14, 2013 (UTC)
The Yeti also appeared in colour in Downtime but that's (a) hard to get hold of & (b) a VHS tape, so not exactly high-definition. (I was 89 earlier) -- to me 17:21, June 14, 2013 (UTC)
That's actually on my list of things to watch before November. Andbeonetraveler 17:41, June 14, 2013 (UTC)
It's worth watching. It has Victoria Waterfield, Sarah Jane Smith & the Brig, as well as Yetis & the Great Intelligence. In addition, it's the origin of Kate (Lethbridge-)Stewart. -- to me 20:39, June 14, 2013 (UTC)

Not sure if this is of interest to anyone else, but a google search told me that at least two other people out there have come to the same conclusion as me. I found this comment

"But after the events of The Name of the Doctor, when the Great Intelligence stepped into the Doctor’s time stream (as played by Richard E Grant) and this Doctor is voiced by Richard E Grant and is modelled on Richard E Grant, then this could now be considered as a canon adventure in which the Doctor/Great Intelligence embarked on a whole series of adventures. Maybe he was influenced by Clara to do good!"

on a Doctor Who merchandise page for the upcoming DVD release[5]. Validation feels good. Ok, I'll let it go now. Andbeonetraveler 03:25, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Since the Shalka is not cannon, Moffat was free to use the actor and images without implying any sort of connection. Whosethebestwho 05:45, June 25, 2013 (UTC)

@Andbeonetraveler, I missed your question at the top of this page, so I apologize for not getting back to you earlier. Because the Howling is the only space on the wiki that allows spoilers, it has to be set apart from the rest of the wiki. So there are really only two ways to search for past threads: by title on the main Howling:The Howling page or by title on the Howling:The Howling archives page. Shambala108 14:21, June 25, 2013 (UTC)