Howling:Where is the Barn?

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Watching The Day of the Doctor I got the impression the Barn wasn't on Gallifrey, also from when the Moment asked the Doctor how many children were on Gallifrey, but of course she could've asked that while they were on Gallifrey. I just didn't get that from the desert setting, which I didn't think Gallifrey would have. I figured the Doctor hid on another planet away from the Daleks ("didn't want them finding out") and also the Time Lords.

So where is the Barn? Because, we assume it's on Gallifrey because of the man and woman (the Doctor's parents Ulysses and Penelope Gate?) mentioning the Academy and becoming a Time Lord, so both we the audience and Clara assume we're with the Doctor as a young boy, which is especially cemented when she grabs his leg. But unlike other opportunities in the new series for "we didn't see this, so it's not guaranteed" this one actually got me thinking. For the "dream" and Clara telling a young boy about being afraid and strength and giving him a toy soldier, what if it's not the Doctor? Steed 02:48, September 16, 2014 (UTC)

I personally think the barn wasn't on Gallifrey. But most likely that child was the Doctor. to me 11:22, September 16, 2014 (UTC)

I just thought the barn was on Gallifrey but you could be right. Also there are desert settings on Gallifrey as seen in TV: The Invasion of Time. -- to me 03:07, September 17, 2014 (UTC)

I also believe that it is on Gallifrey as property The Doctor's family owned besides the main house spoken about in The End of Time. Quite a change from Young Doctor to War Doctor though...left in disrepair which makes me wonder idly as to the events of The Doctor's family.Boss MD 19:46, September 23, 2014 (UTC)

I should really watch it again before saying this, but the War Doctor and the Moment have a conversation about the Doctor not planning, (or wanting) to survive the event he is about to trigger, and the Moment punishing him(?) by saying he will survive it, just to spite him. If I recalled it correctly, that conversation makes a lot more sense if they are in the Barn on Gallifrey, where they would most likely be subject to the effects of the Moment. If they were on another planet, the destruction of Gallifrey would not have inspired the Moment to say what she did about making sure The Doctor survived it.Phil Stone 03:33, September 26, 2014 (UTC)

Could the Barn be on Trenzalore? It could be possible that the Doctor grew up there, since his tomb will be there (or maybe that is because he protected Trenzalore for 900 years?). I know it sounds stupid, but it's just a theory. But like Phil Stone said, that would make some of the events of The Day of the Doctor weird... --Finn Tracy 19:07, February 24, 2015 (UTC)