Howling:The Howling archives

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Welcome to the Howling's archives!

Below, you'll find topics which originated on The Howling, but have either been resolved or have simply gone "cold". They have therefore now been archived here for future reference.

The topics you will find below are fixes for plot holes, speculation, trivia, and theories about continuity.

Should you wish to respond to a topic, please begin a new topic in The Howling and reference back to the archived page title here.

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Thread list

In The Howling itself, threads are organised according to the time they were last edited. Thus, the most recently-edited threads are at the top. That's not a terribly useful way to organise an archive, however. Here, threads are organised according to their creation date. Thus, the further down on the list, the further back in time you go.

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1 May 2017Eye of harmony unammed radiation18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
20 February 2017Human expansion into other galaxies18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 February 2017Future anniversary18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 January 2017Rose frustrated of the TARDIS translation circuit18:19, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 January 2017Rose questioning Doctor 9's Northern English accent18:19, 21 June 2017CzechBot
10 November 2016Genesis of the cybermen18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 June 2016How did the Peg Dolls know about the Doctor and River?21:52, 12 July 2022Epsilon
4 March 2016Series 10 Returning Enemies18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 March 2016Rassilon and The Abandoned Time Ship18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 February 2016The Gallifreyan Clara Echo18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 February 2016Robert Banks Stewart18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 February 2016Who is the Hybrid?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 February 2016How did the Doctor have a granddaughter without a social life?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
8 January 2016Clara's Death18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
22 December 2015Slitheen?18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 December 2015Is it the Dals or the Kaleds?02:57, 11 November 2018SOTO
10 December 2015The Valeyard Doomed Himself18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 December 2015The nightmare child18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 December 2015Dream Lord + Mr. Clever = What?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
4 December 2015The ENTIRE Doctor Whoniverse is in the Land of Fiction?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 October 2015Nollarr (The Girl Who Died)18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 October 2015Davros and The Master18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 September 2015River across the Atlantic, A Theory18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 September 2015How many Regenerations are left?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 August 2015Series 9 spoilers18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 August 2015Movie-sized/Blockbuster Series 9 opener18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 August 2015Danny Pink Twin Theory18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 July 2015Series 9 two-parter or not18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 March 2015What would be magic in Doctor Who?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 February 2015The Trickster and Sky Smith18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 February 2015Virgin era vs. New TV Series18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
12 February 2015Human to Timelord: Evolutionary Proposal.18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 February 2015John Hart18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 January 2015The Tale of the Dalek Belt18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 January 201551st Century Humans18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 January 2015Can a tissues compression eliminator injure a person if not kill him/her?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 December 2014What will happen if the 11th doctor gets his internal organs violently ripped apart & his arms dismembered?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 December 2014What about shattering a Weeping Angel into pieces?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 December 2014Similarities between classic doctor who and the new doctor who18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 December 2014Series nine discussion and speculation18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
22 November 2014Time Agency18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 November 2014Implications, and other things18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 November 2014Brigadier18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 November 2014Series 8 present day theory18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 November 2014Irving Braxiatel18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 November 2014Why are robots attracted to the "Promised Land"?18:29, 14 January 2023OncomingStorm12th
4 November 2014Who is Gus?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 October 2014The Great Intelligence18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
22 October 2014Who is Missy?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 October 2014Doctor of Intestinal Parasites18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 October 2014Back to Nine, some plotholes of Rose18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
8 October 2014Metal Plate18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 October 2014The Moon18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 September 2014Could the monster for Listen actually have been the Floof?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 September 2014Where is the Barn?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
14 September 2014What's in the bed under the covers?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 September 2014Young First Doctor18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 September 2014Does Robin Hood know too much?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 September 2014The doctor: murder?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
31 August 2014Into the Dalek - pathweb18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
31 August 2014Eleventh Doctor's Phone Call18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 August 2014The New Paradigm Daleks dissappearance.18:20, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 August 2014Ginger Doctor?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 August 2014Missy, Doctor, Master, and Valyard?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 August 2014The Doctor's Face18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 August 2014Torchwood and The Year That Never Was18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 August 2014Isomorphic Controls - Sonic Screwdriver20:23, 19 November 2021Scrooge MacDuck
19 August 2014Regeneration in The Impossible Astronaut18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
14 August 2014Cybermen development18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 August 2014Davros & Emperor together in Time War18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 July 2014Ninth Doctor18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 July 2014Season 8 Leaks? First 5 scripts and 1 episode BW18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 June 2014River Song's Fate18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 June 2014What Do you think happened to jenny from the doctors daughter18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 June 2014Present day year?18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
15 June 2014How did the Master get to the end of the universe?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 May 2014"Molten Ice?"18:14, 21 June 2017CzechOut
10 May 2014K9 Mark III18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 May 2014Doctor Who/The Avengers crossover?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
4 May 2014New Cycle18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 April 2014Anti Matter Universe18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
10 April 2014Web of Time and other things18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
20 March 2014My Problem with Twelfth Doctor18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 March 2014Is River Song, Omega?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 March 2014Nanogene18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
12 March 2014How exactly did Rex become immortal?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 March 2014New Character in series 818:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 March 2014Why regenerate?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 February 2014More versions of Clara?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 February 2014The Crack in Room 1118:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 February 2014The Valeyard and the Dream Lord in 'NuWho'18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
4 February 2014Raving wild, unbased speculation on the new (series 8) doctor18:21, 17 February 2022OncomingStorm12th
2 February 2014New moffat monster ideas for series 818:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 February 2014The Valeyard: The Second to Last Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 January 2014The Valeyard after The Time of the Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 January 2014The Twelfth Doctor in Day of the Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 January 2014Key to Time18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 January 2014Jack's Memories18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 January 2014The Reset Universe and Previous Events18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 January 2014There are three main timelines in the DWU20:25, 13 February 2022OncomingStorm12th
13 January 2014The Day of the Doctor leads into Dalek (2005)?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 January 2014Would it have been better to introduce the silence in series 5 instead of series 618:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
10 January 2014How much does 10th Doctor remember from 50th Anniversary?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
4 January 2014The Doctor starts running: Sound of Drums vs. Name of the Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 January 2014Jabe and Jack - Similarities18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
31 December 2013I know this is crazy but...18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 December 2013Tasha Lem and River Song similarities18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 December 2013Why the Doctor has different personalities per regeneration18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 December 2013Oh dear we are in trouble18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 December 2013Trenzalore, Silence, Cracks clarification18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 December 2013Tasha Lem as River Song18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 December 2013Peter capaldi era story arc18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 December 2013The Silent's Memory power18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 December 2013Would've Been King18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 December 2013Clara's Grandmother (Christmas)18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 December 2013Sutekhs return18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 December 2013Upuat18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 December 2013Alien in Bar05:03, 20 November 2017Shambala108
17 December 2013The Ninth Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
14 December 2013Weeping angels killable when not being looked at?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
14 December 2013Bad Wolf, the Moment, and Clara18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
8 December 2013Analysis on the time of the doctor pics.18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
4 December 2013Angels and Paradoxes18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 November 2013Weeping Angels - Time Lord Evolutionary Ancestors ?18:21, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 November 2013The Eleventh Doctor is The Thirteenth Doctor?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 November 2013Theories on "The Curator"18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 November 2013The Valeyard and McGann's regeneration18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 November 2013Clara in UNIT?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 November 2013Hmm18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
23 November 2013The Master alive18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 November 2013The Tomorrow Windows, certain stories negated timelines, NOT "Non-DWU"18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 November 2013Vincent Van Gogh is The Master18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 November 2013Order Of Regeneration18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
15 November 2013The Night of The Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 November 2013Two "fixed deaths" for the eleventh, how does that make any sense ?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
15 October 2013Moffat Speaks on John Hurt Doctor18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
15 October 2013Jabe18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
15 October 2013Doctor's regenerations and Moffat's latest statements18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 October 2013Too many humans?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 October 2013Why is earth so vulnerable?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 October 2013Peter Davison as Omega18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 September 2013All Earthlings really from Mars18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 September 2013Has the doctor ever visited an alien world where there are only the natural occupants and if so, what has been their reaction to seeing people who are not of their species18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
10 September 2013Jack in the doctor dances18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
10 September 2013Rory the Handbot uses18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 September 2013Female doctor18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 September 2013Julian mcmahon as the doctor?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 September 2013Jabe's Death - Unnecessary18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 September 2013The Eleventh Hour18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
31 August 2013The Master - What could have been?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
31 August 2013Human species18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 August 2013River in lets kill hitler18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 August 2013Monsters18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 August 2013John Hurt confirmed as 9th incarnation18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 August 2013Christopher Eccleston Feeling toward show18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
23 August 2013Time War cameos18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 August 2013The Doctor and The Master18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 August 2013River's Sonic18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 August 2013Do you count the 8th Doctor audio series as Canon?18:17, 21 June 2017CzechBot
8 August 2013Sonic screwdriver18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 August 2013Series 8 speculation18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
3 August 2013My insane theory18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 August 2013Bear With Me18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
23 July 2013Reconciling Cold War and the Big Finish Ice Warrior chronology18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
22 July 201350th Anniversary Speculation18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 July 2013Hidden clue in Matt Smith's goodbye message18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
14 July 2013The Doctor's attitude - Unfair?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
14 July 2013Regeneration spoiling18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 July 2013If the master was like the doctor, what would he be like?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 July 2013N00vian18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 July 2013How do the Tractators powers work?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 July 2013The Gelth are annoying18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
3 July 2013The Doctors family18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 July 2013Name of the doctor nicknames18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 July 2013Does anyone else feel sympathy for the master?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 July 2013Is the sonic cane really that useful?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 July 2013What did the silence mean when they said Amy would bring the silence?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 July 2013Why did the silence threaten people that silence would fall?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 July 2013Mickey and Rose's relationship18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 June 2013Rose and Mickey's relationship18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 June 2013Was Jack's wrist device always meant to be a vortex manipulator?18:21, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 June 2013What if Jack had stayed mortal and stayed travelling with the doctor?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 June 2013In Boom Town, why is the doctor both harsh to and nice to Blon Slitheen?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 June 2013What if the doctor had an equal?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 June 2013What if donna hadn't lost her time lord self?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 June 2013Production Errors18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 June 2013The return of Ian Chesteron?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
23 June 2013Rose, Jack, and the Bad Wolf18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 June 2013Howling Halls Speculation18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 June 2013When the Doctor died in Turn Left...20:44, 30 April 201884.13.31.252
18 June 2013"Less poetry, Doctor..."18:14, 21 June 2017CzechOut
13 June 2013The G.I. and the Shalka Doc have similar fashion sense18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 June 2013John Hurt is the Valeyard theory18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 June 2013The Voice in the TARDIS18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 June 2013The Name of the Doctor and The 7th Doctor Matrix Novel18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 June 2013The End of Doctor Who?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 June 2013Bernard Horsfall - always Goth?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
7 June 2013Dalek time controller18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
3 June 2013Season 8/new doctor/ silly idea18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 June 2013My favorite fan made Doctor Who trailer18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 June 2013The John Hurt Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 June 2013Do you think that the DW folks read this wiki?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 June 2013River knows the Doctor's name because...?18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 June 2013Eleventh is Leaving18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 May 201310 or 10A?18:15, 21 June 2017CzechOut
24 May 2013How did The Doctor and Hila survive traveling through the Time Vortex?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
22 May 2013If The Doctor can go anywhere in time and space, then why does he always go to Earth in the 20th/21st century? Even when he is looking for a new companion?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
22 May 2013Macra uprising in The Macra Terror-Unfair?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 May 2013Clara's Super Powers?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 May 2013Great Intelligence history and origin18:29, 23 May 2013TroopDude
20 May 2013River pretending not to know Clara?18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 May 2013What's the connection between the Big Bads?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 May 2013Who is Hurt's Who?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 May 2013Moffat lied...again18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
19 May 2013Archie from Torchwood Two explained? (Speculation)18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 May 2013Theories on John Hurt18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 May 2013Claras Father18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 May 2013Regeneration, ressurection, The Eye of Harmony, and what happens after 13.18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
8 May 2013The Shakespeare Code, Names18:20, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 May 2013Nestenes and Autons18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 April 2013The Doctors Name18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 April 2013The Doctor merging with the time vortex in "The Flood"18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 April 2013Ianto's scar in children of the earth18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
15 April 2013Singing in series 718:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
11 April 2013Change of TARDIS interior & Stored Console Rooms18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 April 2013Flickering lightbulbs18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 April 2013Monthly E-Short Speculation?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 March 2013Unresolved plot cookies - Series 7 part 218:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 March 2013Theories about Clara18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
3 March 2013The Tenth and Eleventh Doctor - Personality and Telepathy18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 February 2013Merging of universes in Assimilation218:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 February 2013Cybermen merging universes18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
12 February 2013Never Travels Alone?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 January 2013What was in the Doctor's room in God Complex?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
22 January 2013Greetings, Could anyone explain the "Time Lock" in The End Of Time , please?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
12 January 2013Theories on automatic laser monkeys18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 January 2013River may not really be dead....?18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 December 2012The name game (Clara)18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 December 2012Possible Use of Eternal Dalek18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 December 2012Could this be the Story Arc of the Eleventh?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 December 2012Sontaran Ranks18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
15 December 2012The Last Great Time War18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 December 2012The Silurian Ark18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 December 2012Theories on Ending of Doctor Who18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 November 2012River less than dressed in Next Time of Christmas Carol?18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
10 November 2012'Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely'18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 October 201211th Doctor and traveling alone18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 October 2012Entropy, the Pharos Project, and the eventual destruction of Earth18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
14 October 2012Time can be rewritten, but not after you've read it- foreshadowing?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
12 October 2012Paraphasing Moffat: Maybe I'll come back to that18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 October 2012Dividing the show into eras18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
3 October 2012River giving the Doctor her regenerations18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 October 2012A collection of theories and questions regarding AotD and Oswin18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 October 2012River being pardoned18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 September 2012River's Timeline in Light of TATM18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 September 2012Tombstone and "Amelia's Last Farewell"18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
29 September 2012The unexplained parts of "The Angels Take Manhattan"18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 September 2012Assimilation2 questions (SPOILERS)18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
28 September 2012RTD fixed points vs. Darvill-Evans fixed points18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 September 2012Angels Take Manhattan speculation18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 September 2012Foreshadowing of Angels Take Manhattan in The Impossible Astronaut18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 September 2012Revisiting the why of the cracks18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
25 September 2012Dating the Amy era18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
24 September 2012Was there "Silence" in the Hospital in the Power of Three?18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
23 September 2012The Angels and the Ponds18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 September 2012Problems with the Master race18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 September 2012Story arc: - the Doctor doesnt care anymore18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 September 2012Flickering light bulbs...18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
12 September 2012Series 7 Arc possibilities18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
8 September 2012Problems with the Asylum18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 September 2012River's story continues...into Oswin?18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
4 September 2012Blinovitch Daleks18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 September 2012Doctor Who18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 September 2012Oswin18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 September 2012Is the master race erased from history?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 September 2012Daleks18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 August 2012Dalek mutants18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
27 August 2012Is the Doctor's name a Carrionite spell?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
26 August 2012Timelord Biological Metacrisis18:49, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 August 2012A sontaran called Strax18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 August 2012In 'The Satan Pit', why are there two vases/jars?18:46, 21 June 2017CzechBot
8 August 2012The Dream Lord = The Master?18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
6 August 2012Amy's Choice - Why wouldn't the doctor just die?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
2 August 2012Dalek army and Cyberking?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
16 July 2012Behind the scenes pics - Gareth David Lloyd??18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
5 July 201251st century - Timelord Airlines Hub?18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
13 June 2012Coming Soon(?) - Our first real Dalek episode18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 June 2012Amy and Rory in Assimilation218:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
31 May 2012Silence/Timelords18:47, 21 June 2017CzechBot
21 May 2012The retinal scanner for the Eye of Harmony in the TV Movie18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
18 May 2012Harriet Jones18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
12 May 2012"Doctor who...?"18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 May 2012Archiving: 9 May 201204:01, 1 September 2012CzechBot
2 May 2012The Doctor And River What Next?20:02, 21 October 2017Doug86
28 April 2012The Master's Last Words18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 April 2012Amy's two pasts18:44, 21 June 2017CzechBot
17 April 2012Jack = dorium = boe16:31, 9 May 2012CzechBot
9 April 2012Parting of the Ways - Song16:31, 9 May 2012CzechBot
4 April 2012How Earthshock ended16:30, 9 May 2012CzechBot
1 April 2012The Silence's war against the Doctor18:48, 21 June 2017CzechBot
1 April 2012How did Ace become a Time Lady?18:45, 21 June 2017CzechBot
30 March 2012Silly Speculation: Series Seven08:04, 3 August 2014Doug86
17 March 2012The Doctor not recognising the Daleks16:33, 9 May 2012CzechBot
11 March 2012Paradox in TW "End of Days"?16:31, 9 May 2012CzechBot
23 February 2012The oldest question In The Whouniverse16:34, 9 May 2012CzechBot
16 February 2012Utopia question16:34, 9 May 2012CzechBot
16 February 2012Battle of Medusa Cascade never happened16:29, 9 May 2012CzechBot
12 February 2012The Docs Name Poll16:33, 9 May 2012CzechBot
25 January 2012The little boy and girl who the library16:34, 9 May 2012CzechBot
20 January 2012How is Captain Jack Immune to Stet Radiation?16:30, 9 May 2012CzechBot
19 January 2012People Who Fall Into Cracks Become Silence?16:32, 9 May 2012CzechBot
16 January 2012How Series 6 Should Have Been22:00, 21 June 2012CzechOut
13 January 2012Is the Doctor half-human?17:21, 10 November 202186.173.36.243
12 January 2012The Sonic Probe in The Girl Who Waited16:33, 9 May 2012CzechBot
10 January 2012Who is Kovarian?16:35, 9 May 2012CzechBot
7 January 2012Would the Sontarans really annhilate the Rutans?16:36, 9 May 2012CzechBot
6 January 2012Breaking the Fourth Wall21:41, 19 October 2019Amorkuz
3 January 2012Are Stories in Paralell Universes Canon?05:09, 28 August 2012CzechBot
2 January 2012Doctor Who 50th Anniversary21:56, 21 February 2014SV7
1 January 2012Abbadon and Miracle Day16:28, 9 May 2012CzechBot
1 January 2012Who was the Shopkeeper?19:53, 30 July 2018NateBumber
31 December 2011The Stone Rose Paradox23:58, 8 May 2017SV7
30 December 2011Could Jilly Kitzinger be immortal?16:30, 9 May 2012CzechBot
29 December 2011Adelaide crack in time16:28, 9 May 2012CzechBot
29 December 2011Silence in the Lodger16:33, 9 May 2012CzechBot
28 December 2011Problems with the Miracle21:43, 19 October 2019Amorkuz
21 December 2011The cybermen debate05:10, 28 August 2012CzechBot
11 December 2011Easter Eggs for Series Six16:30, 9 May 2012CzechBot
28 November 2011Where's that clip of River Song from?16:35, 9 May 2012CzechBot
22 November 2011Shadow Proclamation "policed" the Time Lords?16:32, 9 May 2012CzechBot
21 November 2011Regeneration cube?16:32, 9 May 2012CzechBot
21 November 2011No More Bad Wolf16:31, 9 May 2012CzechBot
21 November 2011Burning Jack16:29, 9 May 2012CzechBot
20 November 2011When did the last time war end?16:35, 9 May 2012CzechBot
18 November 2011Pre-Time War Daleks erased from history? Maybe not...16:32, 9 May 2012CzechBot
11 November 2011Thread creation bug fixed: 11 Nov 201105:10, 28 August 2012CzechBot
10 November 2011What would you like to see for the 50th anniversary show?22:55, 27 May 2020Borisashton
10 November 2011Moffat screwed up Silents16:31, 9 May 2012CzechBot
8 November 2011Gallifrey's destruction16:30, 9 May 2012CzechBot
7 November 2011Archiving: 7 Nov 201105:09, 28 August 2012CzechBot
7 November 2011Why no mention of Martha?16:36, 9 May 2012CzechBot
6 November 2011No Cybus Cybermen?16:31, 9 May 2012CzechBot
5 November 2011Who is building Tardis Knock-Offs?11:15, 27 April 2013CzechBot
29 October 2011Questions from Season Five16:32, 9 May 2012CzechBot
25 October 2011Why did time start again after Doctor Who's staged Death?20:08, 7 November 2011CzechBot
22 October 2011Professor Candy19:50, 7 November 2011CzechBot
19 October 2011If the doctor never existed...16:31, 9 May 2012CzechBot
19 October 2011Silence planned library16:33, 9 May 2012CzechBot
13 October 2011The Fall of the Eleventh19:58, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 October 2011The finale connection20:01, 7 November 2011CzechBot
6 October 2011Jack's Memory19:43, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 October 2011Had doctor really spent 200 years?19:39, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 October 2011Miracle Day - alternate timeline?19:46, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 September 2011Messages for Amy Pond19:45, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 September 2011Baby language08:15, 6 April 201286.180.44.235
26 September 2011Amy's Question and THE question19:29, 7 November 2011CzechBot
22 September 2011What did Rory say?20:05, 7 November 2011CzechBot
21 September 2011Kovarian and the Silence19:44, 7 November 2011CzechBot
18 September 2011The first incarnation of River couldn't have killed the Doctor on Lake Silencio...20:01, 7 November 2011CzechBot
18 September 2011What happens when Silence falls?13:13, 8 February 2013168.31.72.1
18 September 2011Did the Doctor really call Rory what I thought he called him?19:35, 7 November 2011CzechBot
17 September 2011Interfering With Personal Timeline01:26, 9 March 2014SV7
13 September 2011Does the doctor ever "fall" into a "trap" in A Good Man Goes To War?19:36, 7 November 2011CzechBot
12 September 2011Amy Pond's existence19:28, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 September 2011Amy question19:29, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 September 2011Jack will be back January 2012?19:43, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 September 2011Sometimes knowing your own future is what enables you to change it19:55, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 September 2011Rex is Immortal19:52, 7 November 2011CzechBot
7 September 2011The Daleks in "Day of the Daleks"19:58, 7 November 2011CzechBot
7 September 2011Eighth Doctor's new costume19:36, 7 November 2011CzechBot
4 September 2011Song at the end of Night Terrors21:55, 1 December 202198.187.54.95
3 September 2011The Blessing IS Jack... sort of.19:57, 7 November 2011CzechBot
30 August 2011Mels19:45, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 August 2011Website Clues part 220:05, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 August 2011What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?20:06, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 August 2011Plot point of Impossible Astronaut19:50, 7 November 2011CzechBot
26 August 2011The Wedding of River Song speculation20:00, 7 November 2011CzechBot
22 August 2011How does the Doctor refuel after Big Bang 2?19:40, 7 November 2011CzechBot
21 August 2011Could Rory and Amy be affected by the Miracle?19:33, 7 November 2011CzechBot
20 August 2011Humans are Timelords?19:41, 7 November 2011CzechBot
19 August 2011PRISONER ZERO/MADAME KOVARIAN19:49, 7 November 2011CzechBot
18 August 2011UK had no spaceships in 29th century?20:03, 7 November 2011CzechBot
17 August 2011The Person Who Is Really Behind the Miracle19:59, 7 November 2011CzechBot
17 August 2011Mondas question19:46, 7 November 2011CzechBot
17 August 2011Returning companions in cameo roles19:51, 7 November 2011CzechBot
17 August 2011Time Lords evolved?20:02, 7 November 2011CzechBot
16 August 2011The Doctor and River's child19:58, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 August 2011Why is Rory Williams so similar to Mickey Smith?05:01, 12 February 201350.113.112.60
13 August 2011Cross Dimensional niggle (Curse of Black Spot)19:33, 7 November 2011CzechBot
13 August 2011Eye of Harmony in the Doctor's TARDIS19:37, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 August 201151st century Earth political structure19:27, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 August 2011Crossing timelines00:56, 20 January 201482.38.244.145
10 August 2011New US poster19:48, 7 November 2011CzechBot
8 August 2011Erasing events?19:36, 7 November 2011CzechBot
4 August 2011After someone's been absorbed by the Crack...19:28, 7 November 2011CzechBot
3 August 2011Crash Of The Byzantium07:11, 4 May 2013SOTO
3 August 2011Doctor's Death19:35, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 August 2011Genesis of the Daleks already an alternate timeline?19:39, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 August 2011The Tenth Planet - part of a negated timeline?20:00, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 August 2011Karen as melody19:44, 7 November 2011CzechBot
31 July 2011How small is series 7 going to be19:41, 7 November 2011CzechBot
31 July 2011Bad wolf vs. bad boy19:30, 7 November 2011CzechBot
30 July 2011Jack's omnisexuality and torchwood19:43, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 July 2011Question about Gallifrey19:50, 7 November 2011CzechBot
24 July 2011A crazy theory on who's behind the Miracle19:28, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 July 2011Bigger on the Inside19:30, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 July 20113 minutes 42 seconds19:26, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 July 2011Are the writers getting ideas from the EDAs?19:30, 7 November 2011CzechBot
21 July 2011Why do so many people dislike Amy Pond?20:08, 7 November 2011CzechBot
16 July 2011Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor/Dr. Who theory-ness10:52, 14 October 2016SV7
9 July 2011Has your thread gone missing recently?18:17, 21 June 2017CzechBot
9 July 2011The Miracle20:12, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 July 2011Jack is mortal20:12, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 July 2011My guess as to who River kills and the Doctor's death...19:46, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 June 2011Millennia of time travel turned Gallifreyans into TIme Lords?19:46, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 June 2011Son of God Goes Forth to War19:55, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 June 2011Omega vs Oh-meh-gah19:49, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 June 2011Your favorite "Hidden Clues" in S5-620:09, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 June 2011Who is River Song? Place you final bets now!!20:07, 7 November 2011CzechBot
31 May 2011List of disputed companions21:56, 7 February 2018Doug86
31 May 2011Doc Murders a Ganger19:35, 7 November 2011CzechBot
29 May 2011Gangers and The Silence19:38, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 May 2011Reverse the jelly baby of the neutron flow...19:51, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 May 2011The bodies of hundreds of Time Lords...04:43, 19 September 2012CzechBot
26 May 2011Fake scenes on series 6 DVDs?19:37, 7 November 2011CzechBot
25 May 2011Is the Bubble Universe really e-space?19:42, 7 November 2011CzechBot
19 May 2011Changes to the Howling (May 2011)05:09, 28 August 2012CzechBot
19 May 2011The Moff is messing with us!19:59, 7 November 2011CzechBot
16 May 2011The only water in the forest is a river17:42, 8 June 2013109.148.14.203
16 May 2011Was Paul McGann the voice from the Ood distress call?20:04, 7 November 2011CzechBot
15 May 2011The Doctor's room in the Tardis19:58, 7 November 2011CzechBot
15 May 2011Idris in the cage19:41, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 May 2011The Doctor's Wife 4th Dimension!19:58, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 May 2011The Silence in 201120:00, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 May 20119/10 TARDIS 11th Piloting it!19:27, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 May 2011Everything from Series 5 onwards takes place in a different timeline19:37, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 May 2011Sarah Jane's gang and the Tenth Doctor19:53, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 May 2011"Silence" in the Library?19:25, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 May 2011History after the Time Crack19:40, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 May 2011Doctor's wife - possible explanation19:35, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 May 2011Series 6 Spring and Autumn cliffhanger19:54, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 May 2011River Song could be...19:53, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 May 2011Time Crack is stupid20:02, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 May 2011Is the Tardis sick/injured?19:42, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 May 2011The little girl is Lucy Saxon?!?!20:01, 7 November 2011CzechBot
8 May 2011The pandorica opens/blood of the Cybermen20:01, 7 November 2011CzechBot
7 May 2011Eye Patch Lady19:37, 7 November 2011CzechBot
7 May 2011Whats with them keep downplaying Rory?20:07, 7 November 2011CzechBot
7 May 2011What exactly did Moffat erase?20:06, 7 November 2011CzechBot
6 May 2011Get Out19:39, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 May 2011River Song - not dead yet?19:52, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 May 2011E-Space and inter-dimensional travel19:36, 7 November 2011CzechBot
4 May 2011River Song Theory (Possible Spoilers)19:53, 7 November 2011CzechBot
3 May 2011Silence in Series 519:54, 7 November 2011CzechBot
3 May 2011Amy's Dream19:29, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 May 2011Colonel Jefferson19:32, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 May 2011Amy's pregnancy19:29, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 May 2011Tell him...19:57, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 May 2011Six Months Later19:55, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 May 2011River Song19:52, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 May 2011Clues on the website19:32, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 May 2011Mysterious woman from the Day of the Moon! Unanswered!19:47, 7 November 2011CzechBot
30 April 2011Little girl19:44, 7 November 2011CzechBot
29 April 2011Gallifrey's destruction in past novels19:38, 7 November 2011CzechBot
29 April 2011River Song's Diary19:53, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 April 2011When is/was Gallifrey?20:07, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 April 2011The Silence and The Slender Man23:26, 17 December 201298.246.236.101
27 April 2011Leading a revolution19:44, 7 November 2011CzechBot
26 April 2011Amy and River. stomach pains04:34, 19 September 2012CzechBot
26 April 2011Numbers in Season 619:48, 7 November 2011CzechBot
26 April 2011Sixth Doctor's Regeneration19:55, 7 November 2011CzechBot
24 April 2011New Regeneration?19:47, 7 November 2011CzechBot
24 April 2011Death of the Doctor19:34, 7 November 2011CzechBot
24 April 2011Status of America in the far future (SPOILERS for "The Impossible Astronaut")19:56, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 April 2011Tribute to Nicholas Courtney20:03, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 April 2011The Master's drums19:58, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 April 2011Blending Issues19:31, 7 November 2011CzechBot
22 April 2011Stetson wearing Doctor's TARDIS19:56, 7 November 2011CzechBot
21 April 2011If the Fourth Doctor hadn't gone back in time in "Genesis of the Daleks"...19:41, 7 November 2011CzechBot
19 April 2011Ood Σ to die?04:32, 30 March 2017SV7
17 April 2011The Cracks damaging the Doctor's timeline?19:57, 7 November 2011CzechBot
15 April 2011Harriet Jones and Donna after the Reset19:39, 7 November 2011CzechBot
13 April 2011"Death" Theory *spoilers inside*19:25, 7 November 2011CzechBot
12 April 2011'I've killed Time Lords' trailer14:26, 3 May 2014Shambala108
12 April 2011Dalek history question19:34, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 April 2011Understanding the "new" continuity20:04, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 April 201151st century Earth19:27, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 April 2011TARDIS Evolving?19:57, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 April 2011Inter-dimensional travel after the Time War19:42, 7 November 2011CzechBot
7 April 2011Gallifrey time-locked?19:38, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 April 2011Stupid speculations22:56, 27 May 2020Borisashton
5 April 2011Could Davros ever return?19:32, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 April 2011How does everyone know the Time Lords are gone?19:40, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 April 2011Cancelled novel19:31, 7 November 2011CzechBot
31 March 2011Unknown instrument20:04, 7 November 2011CzechBot
30 March 2011The Silence23:56, 18 May 2017SV7
30 March 2011New trailer...07:25, 24 November 2016SV7
22 March 2011Gallifreyan timeline in relation to the rest of the universe19:38, 7 November 2011CzechBot
21 March 2011NOT the ninth doctor???04:39, 19 September 2012CzechBot
27 February 2011Pyrovile and Venus19:50, 7 November 2011CzechBot
6 February 2011Could River Song be a Time Lady?19:32, 7 November 2011CzechBot
26 January 2011Series 6 structure19:54, 7 November 2011CzechBot
3 January 2011The song that Abigail sang in "A Christmas Carol"?20:02, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 January 2011Rewinding time stream...19:52, 7 November 2011CzechBot
29 December 201011 doesn't know River?19:26, 7 November 2011CzechBot
29 December 2010Kazran and child Kazran19:44, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 December 2010Spoilers from The Brilliant Book 201119:56, 7 November 2011CzechBot
25 December 2010New sixth season trailer?19:48, 7 November 2011CzechBot
25 December 2010In certain Series 5 episodes like The Beast Below, didn't you notice some lines where the Doctor seems to be making Radiohead references?19:41, 7 November 2011CzechBot
24 November 2010Attic in The Lodger vs. 3rd floor on Amy's house03:06, 11 December 2013CzechBot
23 November 2010How did lomax take control of the government?03:54, 10 December 2012CzechBot
22 November 2010Speculation: "Silents will fall."00:58, 1 May 2012AilaG
6 November 2010Who is the voice during events of the Pandorica opens and the Big Bang?04:45, 19 September 2012CzechBot
23 October 2010New 8th Doctor costume19:47, 7 November 2011CzechBot
18 October 2010People no longer seem believe in alien life in the Whoniverse.19:50, 7 November 2011CzechBot
12 October 2010Slitheen in SJA S419:55, 7 November 2011CzechBot
12 October 2010The difference between Gallifreyans and Time Lords04:16, 17 August 2015Shambala108
4 October 2010"he can regenerate more than 12 times - a lot more!"22:53, 22 July 2021OncomingStorm12th
3 September 2010Its omega and the master19:43, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 September 2010Christmas 2010 so far?19:32, 7 November 2011CzechBot
30 August 2010New Daleks extra weapon?19:47, 7 November 2011CzechBot
29 August 2010Why a split in the series?20:08, 7 November 2011CzechBot
17 August 2010Doctor who fans19:35, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 August 2010Reference in the simpsons19:51, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 August 2010Is the Midnight Entity the Silence?19:42, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 August 2010Where are the villains in the doctor-free timeline?20:07, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 August 2010Why hasn't Amy been given a TARDIS Key?22:29, 17 January 2018StormLover01
10 August 2010Torchwood 4 to have US CIA Agents?20:03, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 August 2010Medusa Cascade Incident19:45, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 August 2010Progenitor Daleks19:50, 7 November 2011CzechBot
6 August 2010Did The Torchwood Three team turn into the master race?19:34, 7 November 2011CzechBot
3 August 2010Is the Thirteenth Doctor's Limit a Psychological Problem or a Physiological One?18:40, 23 February 2012CzechBot
3 August 2010Donna and the Chameleon arch14:56, 22 May 2014Shambala108
3 August 2010The Thirteenth Doctor's Death04:50, 14 December 2013SV7
1 August 2010Time travel theory20:02, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 August 2010Series 6 things19:54, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 August 2010NHS19:47, 7 November 2011CzechBot
1 August 2010Almost Omnipotent Characters and Continuities19:28, 7 November 2011CzechBot
31 July 2010Valeyard20:04, 7 November 2011CzechBot
31 July 2010River / Rory19:52, 7 November 2011CzechBot
31 July 2010Was the Doctor even involved in the Time War? (Expanded from Skaro destroyed thread)20:04, 7 November 2011CzechBot
30 July 2010Torchwood alarms20:03, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 July 2010What is durac20:06, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 July 2010What is regeneration20:06, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 July 2010Has it ever occurred to anyone that the Daleks are actually doing not bad?19:39, 7 November 2011CzechBot
22 July 2010Moffat confirms.. the 21st century invasions never happened.00:33, 8 November 2012Doug86
21 July 2010Off-screen Ten/River meetings.19:49, 7 November 2011CzechBot
19 July 2010Davros19:34, 7 November 2011CzechBot
18 July 2010History erased by Series 5 finale - isn't this speculation?04:36, 19 September 2012CzechBot
17 July 2010Gallefey Time Lock19:38, 7 November 2011CzechBot
16 July 2010Is the Master a racist19:42, 7 November 2011CzechBot
16 July 2010Matt Smith leaving surely not19:45, 7 November 2011CzechBot
15 July 2010Expanded TV19:37, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 July 2010Sutekh19:57, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 July 2010Just a thought...19:43, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 July 2010Theory on River Song16:34, 9 May 2012CzechBot
13 July 2010Christmas 201019:31, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 July 2010Did Rory just say "plastic"?19:34, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 July 2010Alternate universes19:28, 7 November 2011CzechBot
8 July 2010Dalek Caan19:33, 7 November 2011CzechBot
6 July 2010River Song Matt Smith finale19:52, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 July 2010Amy's childhood (with the cracks)19:29, 7 November 2011CzechBot
4 July 2010New Whoniverse19:48, 7 November 2011CzechBot
4 July 2010Love Triangle, or not?19:45, 7 November 2011CzechBot
2 July 2010Clues for Series 619:32, 7 November 2011CzechBot
30 June 2010Everything Changes00:03, 7 May 2012CzechBot
30 June 2010Touching your past self20:03, 7 November 2011CzechBot
29 June 2010Borrowed and Blue00:02, 7 May 2012CzechBot
28 June 2010I'm pretty sure the doctor was back before the wedding.00:02, 7 May 2012CzechBot
28 June 2010Tilted Earth?00:02, 7 May 2012CzechBot
28 June 2010Omega symbol appearances00:02, 7 May 2012CzechBot
27 June 2010Regeneration limit?19:51, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 June 2010The Midnight 'Entity'00:02, 7 May 2012CzechBot
27 June 2010What is River Song?20:06, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 June 2010S6: The Mystery of River Song and 'Silence'00:02, 7 May 2012CzechBot
27 June 2010Unresolved questions after Series 522:04, 21 June 2012CzechBot
27 June 2010Duck pond16:11, 22 September 2012CzechOut
27 June 2010The Mother and Madame Vernet19:59, 7 November 2011CzechBot
27 June 2010So, what now? (Christmas 2010)00:01, 7 May 2012CzechBot
27 June 2010TARDIS in the Lodger00:01, 7 May 2012CzechBot
26 June 20105 things00:01, 7 May 2012CzechBot
26 June 2010The Big Bang00:01, 7 May 2012CzechBot
26 June 201026/06/201000:01, 7 May 2012CzechBot
26 June 2010Propobably nothin00:01, 7 May 2012CzechBot
26 June 2010Out the pandorica00:00, 7 May 2012CzechBot
25 June 2010Mad man in a box00:00, 7 May 2012CzechBot
25 June 2010Byzantium Angels vs Blink Angels Inconsistencies19:31, 7 November 2011CzechBot
24 June 2010How many galactic police forces are there ...?00:00, 7 May 2012CzechBot
24 June 2010Anagrams00:00, 7 May 2012CzechBot
24 June 2010Is the Monk in the alliance?00:00, 7 May 2012CzechBot
24 June 2010Were the Daleks and Cybermen aware of the cracks erasing their events?23:59, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 June 2010What causes silence to fall?20:05, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 June 2010Big bad23:59, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 June 2010When she was 7: Everything's Going to Be Fine23:59, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 June 2010Blood of the Cybermen19:31, 7 November 2011CzechBot
23 June 2010Am a lie23:59, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 June 2010Who is the Good Wizard?23:59, 6 May 2012CzechBot
22 June 2010Time Lady?23:59, 6 May 2012CzechBot
22 June 2010Oh, Amelia Pond what have you done that is so terrible that you have undone the World?23:58, 6 May 2012CzechBot
22 June 2010Who visited Amy's house?03:01, 26 April 2013CzechBot
22 June 2010The door in "The Lodger"05:09, 20 November 2017Shambala108
21 June 20105 things to look for when will they tell us what they are23:58, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 June 2010Rooms23:58, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 June 2010Maybe...23:58, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 June 2010"Doesnt it bother you that nothing in your life makes sense?" A list!23:58, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 June 2010Torchwood 200823:57, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Is Amy Dead forever?23:57, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Stonehenge23:57, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Timing23:57, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Time AM/PM23:57, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010(Spolers) TEoT as the setup for Series 5?23:57, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Doctor losing his touch?23:56, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Theta Sigma23:56, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Big empty house?23:56, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Production error listed in "The Pandorica Opens"23:56, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 2010Series 5 Was All a .......?23:56, 6 May 2012CzechBot
20 June 201052nd century?23:56, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 June 2010Amelia Pond Fairy Tale23:55, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 June 2010The Alliance23:55, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 June 2010The Cybermen23:55, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 June 2010Prisoner Zero knows something The Allience does not23:55, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 June 2010Prisoner Zero in the Alliance?23:55, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 June 2010So Rory is dead then23:55, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 June 2010The final monsters23:54, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 June 2010Is doctor Who's popularity going23:54, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 June 2010The Pandorica Opens DS Teasers23:54, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 June 2010Amy fading at end of Cold Blood02:29, 12 December 2013CzechBot
17 June 2010The Pandorica Opens SFX Teasers23:53, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 June 2010Eternal Dalek23:53, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 June 2010Windows23:53, 6 May 2012CzechBot
16 June 2010River has a Time Agent vortex manipulator.23:53, 6 May 2012CzechBot
16 June 2010Terileptle23:52, 6 May 2012CzechBot
15 June 2010Only a fairytale?23:52, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 June 2010I Know What's In The Pandorica SPOILERS23:52, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 June 2010Rory returning19:53, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 June 2010Doctor who villains wimps23:52, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 June 2010Vote on the Pandorica23:51, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 June 2010No battle here23:51, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 June 2010TARDIS wardrobe23:51, 6 May 2012CzechBot
13 June 2010Does Craig remember Rorey??23:51, 6 May 2012CzechBot
13 June 2010RTD writing for eleventh doctor19:51, 7 November 2011CzechBot
13 June 2010Is that what a Tardis really looks like04:37, 19 September 2012CzechBot
13 June 2010Two more bits of time travel stuff from The Lodger23:51, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010Doctor Who Role-Playing Forum23:50, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010What's in the pandorica?23:50, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010Spoilers for pandorica opens23:50, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 20105 things to look for: Numbers23:50, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010The Lodger Crack23:50, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010Tardis?23:50, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010The Brig23:49, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010James corden23:49, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 June 2010Dreams23:49, 6 May 2012CzechBot
11 June 2010Are The Cracks Portals To The Pandorica?23:49, 6 May 2012CzechBot
10 June 2010Timeline restored23:49, 6 May 2012CzechBot
10 June 20105 things to look for: Doctors23:49, 6 May 2012CzechBot
10 June 20105 things to look for: Forgetting23:48, 6 May 2012CzechBot
10 June 2010Not 11's Tardis23:48, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 June 2010That blasted year skip again01:54, 24 April 2020Shambala108
9 June 2010The master gone23:48, 6 May 2012CzechBot
8 June 2010Wilfrid Mott23:48, 6 May 2012CzechBot
8 June 2010Torchwood series 420:03, 7 November 2011CzechBot
8 June 2010Cybermen upgraded23:48, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 June 2010An unknown enemy?19:29, 7 November 2011CzechBot
7 June 2010Web of Time falling apart?23:47, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 June 2010Cunning plan for the Cracks23:47, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 June 20105 things to look for: Counting up23:47, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 June 2010The pandorica time lord weapon23:47, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 June 2010Foreshadowing Imagery?23:47, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 June 2010Lady GaGa23:47, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 June 2010The flashing door23:46, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 June 2010The Whoniverse timeline is not linear and fixed, which creates problems here.23:46, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 June 20105 things to look for: The Doctor and the Tardis23:46, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 June 2010What crashed the Byzantium?04:45, 19 September 2012CzechBot
3 June 2010Skaro destroyed in the time war???04:42, 19 September 2012CzechBot
3 June 2010Mankind protected by the Laws of Time?04:38, 19 September 2012CzechBot
3 June 2010Doctor Who?03:12, 27 April 2017SV7
3 June 2010The Silurians wake up after Earth has been abandoned.23:45, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 June 2010Cracks Causing Paradoxes03:12, 27 April 2017SV7
2 June 2010Void trapped Daleks and Davros23:45, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 June 2010Pandorica/crack theory23:45, 6 May 2012CzechBot
1 June 2010Amy is like Reinette23:45, 6 May 2012CzechBot
31 May 2010Pandorica spoilers...04:39, 19 September 2012CzechBot
30 May 2010The Tardis Piece23:45, 6 May 2012CzechBot
30 May 2010Rory's death23:45, 6 May 2012CzechBot
29 May 2010The Pandorica23:44, 6 May 2012CzechBot
29 May 2010Davros cracks23:44, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 May 2010Things pretending to be something else?23:44, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 May 2010Will anything else be erased?23:44, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 May 2010Amy series 623:44, 6 May 2012CzechBot
27 May 2010Supernatural23:43, 6 May 2012CzechBot
26 May 2010"Remember what I told you when you were seven"23:43, 6 May 2012CzechBot
26 May 2010Prisoner Zero Sightings23:43, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 May 20105 things to look for: Little Red Riding Hood23:43, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 May 20105 things to look for: Accusations / Proclomations23:42, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 May 2010Daleks, Cybermen23:42, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 May 2010The Master causing the cracks?19:58, 7 November 2011CzechBot
20 May 2010Omega19:49, 7 November 2011CzechBot
19 May 2010What is a "universe"?23:42, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 May 2010Who is River song? Time lady?23:42, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 May 2010Turn left23:41, 6 May 2012CzechBot
16 May 2010Angels?23:41, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 May 20105 things to look out for: Ducks and birds23:41, 6 May 2012CzechBot
11 May 20105 things to look for: tardis key / keyhole23:40, 6 May 2012CzechBot
10 May 2010The Dream Lord AKA The Lord of Dreams23:40, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 May 2010The year that never was and davros reality bomb20:02, 7 November 2011CzechBot
9 May 20105 things to look out for: Deception23:40, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 May 20105 things to look for: 1123:39, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 May 20105 things to look for: myths23:39, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 May 20105 things to look for: finale Doctor03:17, 19 November 2017Shambala108
6 May 20105 things to look for: recognition23:39, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 May 2010"X is really Y" theories: why?19:25, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 May 2010Synopsis of ep 12 / 1323:38, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 May 2010On the other hand?23:38, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 May 2010Angel & Bob23:38, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 May 2010Angels erased23:38, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 May 2010The Pandorica and The Cracks are unrelated?23:38, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 May 2010How much history is gone?19:40, 7 November 2011CzechBot
3 May 2010Little Red Riding Hood23:54, 26 April 2013CzechOut
3 May 20105 things to look for: "There's something..."23:37, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 May 2010Series 5 plan out and theories20:07, 19 November 2021Scrooge MacDuck
1 May 2010An eye watching River?23:37, 6 May 2012CzechBot
30 April 2010Victory of the Daleks and Voyage of the Damned23:36, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 April 20105th Season and Lovecraft23:36, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 April 2010More Digital Spy spoilers, from Nick Briggs interview23:36, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: Time or history is messed up19:27, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: Silence23:36, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: The countdown22:03, 21 June 2012CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: 023:36, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: Red telephone/red phonebox19:26, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: Eyes01:18, 20 December 2012CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: Cracks23:35, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 April 20105 things to look for: Overall19:26, 7 November 2011CzechBot
28 April 2010Torchwood series 2 is in 2008, why does the timeline say 2009?23:35, 6 May 2012CzechBot
27 April 2010Prisons recurring?23:35, 6 May 2012CzechBot
27 April 2010Why a forest ?20:08, 7 November 2011CzechBot
25 April 2010Interesting questions from The Time of Angels23:35, 6 May 2012CzechBot
24 April 2010Flesh and Stone - Cybermen23:34, 6 May 2012CzechBot
22 April 2010Is River Song human?22:59, 26 December 201267.243.4.118
22 April 2010River Song is a....... MAJOR SPOLIERS!!!04:40, 19 September 2012CzechBot
19 April 2010Mystery continues as River lands the Tardis06:51, 13 August 2013CzechBot
19 April 2010Bracewell23:34, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 April 2010Mirrors stop the weeping angels ?17:59, 22 April 2014Spreee
18 April 2010Beast Below: Amy's recording?23:33, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 April 2010The Reality Bomb would destroy all universes?23:33, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 April 2010Antecedents to Amy23:33, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 April 2010VotD/Jubilee23:33, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 April 2010Is the new credit sequence significant?23:33, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 April 20105 Things to look for in Series 503:56, 17 November 2018Shambala108
17 April 2010The Cracks in time23:32, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 April 2010The VotDaleks "revalation"23:32, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 April 2010Doctor who Game Concepts?!...23:32, 6 May 2012CzechBot
16 April 2010Amy or Amelia, why? She is the pandorica ?20:11, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 April 2010A red phone box was seen in The Beast Below.23:32, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 April 2010Did anyone notice 223:32, 6 May 2012CzechBot
13 April 2010TEASER: "Hailing from the 21st Century, Amy knows all about the Daleks, right? Right?!"19:57, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 April 2010Water References20:05, 7 November 2011CzechBot
10 April 2010Toby Jones in "Amy's Choice"23:31, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 April 2010The writers kind if... didn't care about the year skip.23:31, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 April 2010The Beast Below is in "The Arc in Space" time period.23:30, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 April 2010A small thing...23:30, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 April 2010Myth speculation / spoiler23:30, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 April 2010Rumours are getting out of hand...23:30, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 April 2010Raggedy Dr Dolls / Spoiler23:29, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 April 2010Van Gogh speculation / Spoiler23:29, 6 May 2012CzechBot
6 April 2010Are the Cybermen becoming smarter?19:30, 7 November 2011CzechBot
5 April 2010Timeline23:29, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 April 2010Did anyone here notice...?23:29, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 April 2010Timeline reset and technology more advanced in the 90s.23:29, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 April 2010Amy Pond's time periods - 90s, 2008, and 201023:28, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 April 2010The Pandorica and other things23:28, 6 May 2012CzechBot
1 April 2010The t word (spoiler)23:28, 6 May 2012CzechBot
31 March 2010Captain Jack back in Doctor Who?23:28, 6 May 2012CzechBot
30 March 2010Amy Pond IS a kiss-o-gram.23:27, 6 May 2012CzechBot
27 March 2010Vampires in Venice 4th Doctor reference?04:44, 19 September 2012CzechBot
20 March 2010Adric?23:27, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 March 2010New trailer!23:27, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 March 2010The Weeping Angels23:26, 6 May 2012CzechBot
11 March 2010New Series Info...23:26, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 March 2010Homemade TARDIS23:26, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 March 2010Was "The Woman" two characters?23:26, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 March 2010Length of "The Eleventh Hour"23:26, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 February 2010Joan Refern solution23:25, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 February 2010More timeline continuity errors...23:25, 6 May 2012CzechBot
27 February 2010"You saved me in 2008."20:23, 7 November 2011CzechOut
27 February 2010Ww2 in pete's world23:25, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 February 2010Firearm Continuity?02:06, 9 March 2017Shambala108
17 February 2010New DW Trailer! WOOP!23:24, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 February 2010Hanky Panky in the TARDIS23:24, 6 May 2012CzechBot
17 February 2010New Series 5 Promo Image!23:24, 6 May 2012CzechBot
16 February 2010Just how many demons are out there?23:23, 6 May 2012CzechBot
15 February 2010Silurians to return04:41, 19 September 2012CzechBot
14 February 2010Doctor Who v Margaret Thatcher23:23, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 February 2010Torchwood, UNIT and the Doctor23:23, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 February 2010Serious/Comedic04:41, 19 September 2012CzechBot
13 February 2010"The Master will come back with the Time Lords - more evil than ever!"23:23, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 February 2010IT IS SERIES 31!!23:22, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 February 2010The Enemies of "Series 5"23:21, 6 May 2012CzechBot
29 January 2010Miss Trefusis - Vivian Fay23:21, 6 May 2012CzechBot
24 January 2010Amy Ponds Job23:21, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 January 2010Torchwood Series 423:21, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 January 2010Series 5 Spans 2010.04:40, 19 September 2012CzechBot
21 January 2010Addition to the Doctor's age confusion23:20, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 January 2010Fox commissions 'new' Torchwood23:20, 6 May 2012CzechBot
16 January 2010Series 5 episodes19:54, 7 November 2011CzechBot
14 January 2010The Time Lock broken from the inside23:19, 6 May 2012CzechBot
12 January 201066619:27, 7 November 2011CzechBot
11 January 2010Series 5 Finale23:19, 6 May 2012CzechBot
10 January 2010Series 5 Dalek Story23:18, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 January 2010Torchwood in the 70s (or was it the 80s?)23:18, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 January 2010U.N.I.T.23:18, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 January 2010Billie Piper in Series 523:18, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 January 2010Midnight Mysteries19:46, 7 November 2011CzechBot
8 January 2010Rassilon can't kill the Master...23:18, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 January 2010Series 5 Monsters, Villains and Aliens23:17, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 January 2010Obama23:17, 6 May 2012CzechBot
5 January 2010Throwing everything in 2009, stupid descission.23:17, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 January 2010Series 5 in Febuary?23:17, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 January 2010Time is in Flux23:17, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 January 2010What happened to Donna23:16, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 January 2010SJA vs DW23:16, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 January 2010What IS the Nightmare Child?08:40, 6 August 2015213.120.234.109
2 January 2010Series 5 trailer23:16, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 January 2010The Lord President is Rassilon?23:16, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 January 2010The Visionary23:15, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 January 2010The Master's Fate in the End of Time23:15, 6 May 2012CzechBot
1 January 2010Captain Jack Harkness in The End of Time23:15, 6 May 2012CzechBot
31 December 2009Four knocks23:15, 6 May 2012CzechBot
31 December 2009Hiding 1 second out of sync04:36, 19 September 2012CzechBot
29 December 2009Judoon in The End of Time23:14, 6 May 2012CzechBot
27 December 2009The End of Time/ The Time War23:14, 6 May 2012CzechBot
26 December 2009Intereating Donna Reference23:13, 6 May 2012CzechBot
26 December 2009The woman Wilf saw... she is a Time Lady.20:02, 7 November 2011CzechBot
25 December 2009End of time part 223:13, 6 May 2012CzechBot
25 December 2009Why does the Governor want the Mastere to return23:13, 6 May 2012CzechBot
21 December 2009Humans, Near-Humans, Humanoids...?!?00:47, 26 October 2017Shambala108
20 December 2009"Something's coming back."23:12, 6 May 2012CzechBot
15 December 2009The Doctor And The Master23:11, 6 May 2012CzechBot
9 December 2009Original Tardis Interior?23:11, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 December 2009The wastelands of London?23:11, 6 May 2012CzechBot
1 December 2009Majenta Pryces fate23:10, 6 May 2012CzechBot
28 November 2009A Noble End23:22, 9 June 2013CzechBot
24 November 2009Androvax/Seruba Velak23:10, 6 May 2012CzechBot
24 November 2009Insect alien Queens23:09, 6 May 2012CzechBot
23 November 2009End of Time sypnosis23:09, 6 May 2012CzechBot
19 November 2009End Of Time Part 123:08, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 November 2009Lazarus - Master - Daleks23:08, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 November 2009Planet 523:08, 6 May 2012CzechBot
16 November 2009The human doctor23:08, 6 May 2012CzechBot
15 November 2009Waters of mars - wouldn't the reapers be involved?23:08, 6 May 2012CzechBot
8 November 2009UNIT in the Classic Series23:07, 6 May 2012CzechBot
4 November 2009The Waters of Mars00:10, 27 April 2013CzechBot
4 November 2009Prison Break - The end of time23:07, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 November 2009Travist Polong23:06, 6 May 2012CzechBot
29 October 2009Bilis Manger - Harold Saxon11:01, 27 April 2013CzechBot
29 October 2009The Gate23:06, 6 May 2012CzechBot
24 October 2009Broadfell19:31, 7 November 2011CzechBot
24 October 2009Rose - The End of time22:54, 8 February 2014SOTO
9 October 2009The Trickster20:11, 30 March 2012CzechBot
8 October 2009Jack Harkness23:05, 6 May 2012CzechBot
27 September 2009The End of Time23:05, 6 May 2012CzechBot
7 September 2009TARDIS Explanation Please04:42, 19 September 2012CzechBot
28 August 2009Dalek Caan and manipulations of the time stream19:34, 7 November 2011CzechBot
17 August 2009Midnight Entity15:46, 9 March 2014CzechBot
21 July 2009River Song in Series 523:00, 6 May 2012CzechBot
14 May 2009Is the Last Great Time War a self fulfilling prophecy?22:54, 6 May 2012CzechBot
3 January 2009Eleventh Doctor tonight BBC1 @ 5:35!!21:34, 26 May 2011CzechOut
16 November 2008Next Doctor trailer22:47, 6 May 2012CzechBot
2 October 2008Half-Human Doctor Theory22:46, 6 May 2012CzechBot
18 August 2008The similarities with major monster comebacks...05:36, 30 October 2011CzechBot
7 July 200810th Doctor Technicality? (Spoilers)22:40, 6 May 2012CzechBot