Forum:Idea for new section: actors considered for Dr Who or Supporting Roles

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I was just wondering if anyone would find this an interesting addition to the Wiki? For instance, Graham Crowden was initially tapped and asked to be the Fourth Doctor but turned it down because he didn't want the heavy workload or be typecast (I read this in the Fourth Doctor Handbook). He later came out in the notorious story "Horns of Nimon." Also, Julia Sawalha mentions in the documentary for "Curse of Fatal Death" that she was asked to audition for a part in Doctor Who (I haven't even tried to research what that part was but I'll bet the info is out there somewhere in a sourcebook). So, I was just wondering if anyone else would find a page or section on the Wiki dealing with this as a good idea? Dumb? Silly? Interesting? Too trivial? Yanqui9 21:41, 9 July 2008 (UTC)

I don't really think it's necessary to mention people who could have been involved in Doctor Who. I mean, it just seems pointless to mention what could have been. If they did come in later in a different role, by all means, add it to their entry. But just making a new page for someone who wasn't actually involved doesn't seem like a good idea. -<Azes13 00:29, 10 July 2008 (UTC)>-
Agreed I See no need to add a new page for someone who hasn't actually been involved in doctor who Dark Lord Xander 01:24, 10 July 2008 (UTC)
I dunno. A List of actors considered to play the Doctor doesn't seem like a terrible idea, as long as each entry is backed up by a reference. If we can have things here like All Creatures Great and Small, we can have a list of what might have been. A lot of these stories of who didn't make the cut explain who did. The casting of the First, Third, Fourth and Seventh Doctors are particular cases in point. The sticky bit here is the word "considered". Where you draw the line is important. A thought that popped into JNT's head that there might be a female to take over from Tom Baker isn't quite the same as a proper sit-down meeting with Bernard Cribbins in the wake of Jon Pertwee's departure. If you can come up with language that clearly and precisely defines who's on the list and who's not, it could work. At least in the same vein as having an article about All Creatures helps to explain how Peter Davison got the role. CzechOut | 06:05, 10 July 2008 (UTC)
I guess a single page or list wounldn't be a bad idea just as long as they each don't have their own page if they haven't played any other part in the creation of doctor who. Dark Lord Xander 06:20, 10 July 2008 (UTC)