Forum:SJA and companions of the Doctor

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Hello to everyone!

Since Sarah Jane Smith and Jo Grant are categorized on "Category:Eleventh Doctor companions" because of a single adventure along with that incarnation, I would like to add the categories:

Am I right?

HarveyWallbanger 23:39, October 14, 2012 (UTC)

I wouldn't have thought you were right, no. Seems to me that SJS and Jo should simply have category:Eleventh Doctor companions dropped from their list of categories. It's hard to argue them as companions of Eleven, in my mind. Since 2005, the role of "companion" has had much more to do with behind-the-scenes reasons (name in the titles, publicity announcements, etc.) than some sort of narrative litmus test. Given that we're talking about SJA appearances, it's more that he's their companion than the other way around.
czechout<staff />    04:41: Thu 25 Oct 2012
If we follow this principle, then we should take off SJ and Jo from the category of the 11th Doctor companions, in order to be fair.--HarveyWallbanger 09:49, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
They have an adventure with the Eleventh Doctor, complete with accompanying him to another planet (albeit briefly and not via the TARDIS) this combined with their establised status as companions qualifies them as companions to Eleven IMO. to me 15:42, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
Yah, but they never appeared on Doctor Who with the Eleventh Doctor. He's a guest on SJA, as was Jo. He's narratively Sarah's companion, or, as we put it on this wiki, part of {{Sarah Jane's gang}},
czechout<staff />    02:34: Sun 28 Oct 2012