Forum:Thanks for using British spellings

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We've been enforcing British spelling by the use of a bot for well over a year now, and this quarterly run has been the fastest ever, thanks to people making a real effort to obey our spelling policies. Thank you so much for your hard work! The first couple of runs took multiple days; now we're down to a couple of hours.

Here's what the latest run revealed about the words most commonly misspelled, in order of frequency:

Correct Incorrect
recognised recognized
realised realized
materialised materlialized
travelled, traveller, travelling traveled, traveler, traveling
civilisation civilization
defence, defences defense, defenses
ageing aging
sceptical, sceptic skeptical, skeptic
fulfil, fulfils, fulfilment, BUT: fulfilling, fulfilled fulfill, fulfills, fulfillment, BUT: fulfiled, fulfiling
enrol, enrols, enrolment, BUT enrolling, enrolled enroll, enrolls, enrollment, BUT: enroling, enroled
centre, centred, centring center, centered, centering
instalment installment
mould mold

Unsurprisingly, the articles that generated the most Americanised spelling were those having to do with the latest episodes of Doctor Who and those surrounding the Star Trek crossover, Assimilation².

Again, though, this run was, as a percentage of all potentially misspelt words, virtually error-free. Thanks again to all our non-British editors for obviously trying to use British spellings!

As always, if you've not yet set up your computer to spellcheck in British English, you're encouraged to do so. Please see our general spell checking advice, as well as specific instructions for Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Macs/Safari.
czechout<staff />    17:20: Sat 29 Sep 2012