Forum:Where do all TARDIS Index File articles lead to?

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If anyone's spent a bit of time on Wikipedia they'll have come across the phenomena that all Wikipedia articles lead to philosophy.

I was wondering if we had something similar.

In theory there should be three outcomes, like Wikipedia's model

  • A common end point
  • A loop
  • A dead end with no wikilinks.

To test this I clicked the random page button six times and each time followed Wikipedia's "rules" by clicking on the first non-parenthesised, non-italicised links:

1. Robot clown, Chief clown, Psychic Circus, Hippie, 1960s, Whitehall, Westminster, London, United Kingdom, Europe, Earth, Planet, Solar system, Sol, Galactic centre, Planet

2. Caleb (Sky), Summerwell Nuclear Power Station, Nuclear power plant, Uranium, Radiation, Anti-matter, Omega, Time Lord, Gallifrey, Homeworld, Solar system, Sol, Galactic centre, Planet

3. Aminopius, Humanoid, universe, Space, Dimension, universe

4. Madame Tussauds, London, United Kingdom, Europe, Earth, Planet, Solar system, Sol, Galactic centre, Planet

5. Lisa Miles, Short Trips (series), BBC Books, BBC Worldwide, British Broadcasting Corporation, Television, Earth, Planet, Solar system, Sol, Galactic centre, Planet

6. 1855, Ogron planet, The Master, Aliases of the Master, The Doctor, Renegade Time Lord, The Doctor

So it seems on average all roads on this wiki lead to Planet, with 3 and 4 being short loops,

I'm not sure if there's anything we necessarily need to change about how we edit.

But I thought it was notable enough to ask the question; is there anything we need to change about how we edit, write or link on articles? --Tangerineduel / talk 14:46, December 1, 2012 (UTC)

I tried this just for fun, and found that any article which leads to Earth will then lead to planet in 6 moves. More interestingly, any edit that leads to the Doctor will then go to renegade Time Lords, which then leads back to the Doctor. So there is a pretty major loop.
I'm not sure how significant it is. How many people click only on the first link on the page? It can't be that many. It's a fun exercise though. Shambala108 18:02, December 1, 2012 (UTC)