Forum:Mark categories as "Technical"?

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This was an issue on the old wiki, but i feel can be fixed with the new website. Let’s say there’s an episode where all the main characters get together and become dentists or something. You would probably mark the characters as dentists with a category. But now, when you look at the most popular articles in the dentists category, it’s characters who were only dentists in that one episode and barely have anything to do with dentistry. So i propose a way to mark a category as "technical"; the characters deserve to go in that category, but they won’t be put in the "popular pages from this category" section.

StarManatee 09:20, 16 March 2024 (UTC)


I don't believe there's an equivalent of the "popular pages" thing on this site currently. Cookieboy 2005 13:26, 16 March 2024 (UTC)

There's not really a way to do that, other than to create another category that's a member of the main category and add the "technical" additions to that instead (which feels messy to me). Also, Cookieboy is correct - popular pages was a Fandom thing. Bongo50 19:56, 16 March 2024 (UTC)


I'm closing this as it's not technically possible and irrelevant post-fork anyway. Bongo50 21:15, 27 August 2024 (UTC)