Cutlass Leader

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Cutlass Leader was a corporate mercenary who worked for the Bruce Master in 2223.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Cutlass Leader's orders were to escort the Zhongguo Alliance delegation to Drake Interplanetary. However, he was later contacted by Lila Kreeg who told him to recover her and the Master from Notting Hill, an order that he was hesitant to comply with. Upon arriving at the gate, Lila told him to instead get a train from Holland Park, which he did, killing the Trogs when he arrived in Notting Hill.

Cutlass Leader helped the Master up off of the tracks and told him that Lila had left to meet with the Zhongguo delegation. Whilst taking the Master away to safety, he caught chatter on the security channels about the reporting of a spacecraft approaching Earth. After telling the Master this, the Master told him to have Lila rerouted to meet with him at the Vauxhall Building. (AUDIO: Prey)