Duct tape

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Duct tape
A strip of silver duct tape. (PROSE: How to be a Time Lord)

Duct tape was a kind of adhesive tape with various uses, typically for binding and repair. It was usually silver or black in colour.

By the time of the Doctor's eighth incarnation, half of the controls in the TARDIS were held on by duct tape. (AUDIO: Blood of the Daleks)

The Tenth Doctor used duct tape to patch up a hole in the TARDIS created with a chainsaw by Rose the cat, who was attempting to make a cat flap. (COMIC: A Rose by Any Other Name)

Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones gagged Mildred with duct tape as they moved her to one of Torchwood Hub's support stanchions. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead)

Joe Buchanan was gagged with duct tape to stop him from verbally praising the Minotaur as he was strapped to a chair and wheeled around the God Complex by the Eleventh Doctor and his companions. (TV: The God Complex)

Rahul secured a camera to a support beam with duct tape in order to film Tzim-Sha's pod. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth)