Durham University

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Durham University

Durham University, (PROSE: Bay of the Dead [+]Loading...["Bay of the Dead (novel)"]) or the University of Durham, (AUDIO: Energy of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Energy of the Daleks (audio story)"]) was a university. Lauren attended Durham, from where she told her boyfriend that she was having a brilliant time. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead [+]Loading...["Bay of the Dead (novel)"])

Alan and Christine Bush studied at Durham University. Christine once wished that Mel had gone there instead of London University. (PROSE: Business Unusual [+]Loading...["Business Unusual (novel)"])

Clive and Caroline Finch met while they were both students at Durham University, when their respective student groups – the UFO Society and the Reclaim The Night Enclave – double-booked the same meeting room. (PROSE: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (novelisation)"])

Damien Stephens and Jack Coulson attended the University of Durham together. (AUDIO: Energy of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Energy of the Daleks (audio story)"])