Felix (Modern Love)

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Felix was one of the first Posthumans.

Genetically engineered in a laboratory on TVC15, Felix was spliced from Human and Cat DNA. Eventually Felix was liberated and studied to become a Doctor on Optimus Prime. He settled on Algeria Touchshreik, where he began to regularly communicate with Rainbow over the Etherweb.

One day he encountered a comatose Iris Wildthyme and her companion Panda. Realising that Iris' coma was alcohol-induced, Felix and Panda set out to obtain some alcohol from a local laboratory. Despite finding some Gin, Felix was distracted to learn that the laboratory was engineering posthumans. When they triggered an alarm Felix and Panda were imprisoned, however Panda was able to escape through the bars.

Upon returning to Iris, Panda was able to reawaken her with the Gin and she used to Celestial Omnibus to crash into the laboratory. Both Iris and Panda decided to free the other experiments, but insisted that Felix return home to ensure that Rainbow knew that he was safe. After conversing with Rainbow, Felix planned to return and help rehabilitate the posthumans. (PROSE: Modern Love)