Operation Goldenrod

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Operation Goldenrod was a chaotic event involving Torchwood Three. It took place while Suzie Costello was part of the team.

Toshiko Sato had worked for between forty-eight and seventy-two hours on a complex piece of alien technology which kept reconfiguring itself while she worked.

Thinking back to the event, what Tosh remembered above all else were the people which had been melted together during sexual congress by Goldenrod; their flesh had been joined, forming teratological monstrosities which Owen Harper tried to separate, leaving deformity and death behind him. (PROSE: Slow Decay)

Tosh and Owen recalled Operation Goldenrod, with Owen commenting that he saw Jack Harkness in a whole new light following the incident. (PROSE: Another Life)

Ianto Jones was highly secretive about a chamber in the Archive set aside for the remnants of Operation Goldenrod. (PROSE: Slow Decay)