
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Instructions for {{Wrongname}}
Wrongname should be placed at the top of articles whose names cannot be represented on this wikia due to limitations of the MediaWiki software. A prime example is the article on Project Lazarus. The proper spelling of the name involves a colon after "Project" — Project: Lazarus — but "Project:" is always converted to "Tardis:" on this wiki. If you tried to link to "Project: Lazarus", the system would therefore try to link to a page called "Lazarus" in the Tardis: namespace. Thus we have to title the article without the colon.


To use, simply place the following at the top of the page:


in certain circumstances, an additional variable may be needed:


The variable, workaround, allows the user to enter a way to represent the name properly.

To remove the instructions for {{cs}}, include cs=n.

Most cases

In most cases, characters not permitted in page titles can nevertheless be typed directly into workaround. So, to represent "Man #2" — a fairly widespread usage in the end credits of DWU credits — one would title the page Man 2 (episode name), and then add this template to the top of it, like this:

{{wrongname|workaround=Man #2 (episode name)}}

All the following characters can be used in the same fashion as the pound/hash mark seen above:

  • #
  • <
  • >
  • [
  • ]
  • {
  • }

Use with pipes (|)

Pipes are special symbols that usually do not print. They also have special meaning with respect to page titles. Therefore, they require a slightly more elaborate use of this template. So far, the only real example of a pipe in a topic's title on this wiki is 2 entertain. Thus we shall look at it as a model of how to handle the pipe case.

The only way to get the pipe to render is to use Template:!. However, because 2|entertain requires this additional template, it also requires an additional variable to be used with template:wrongname. Thus, the full markup for use on a page that requires a pipe character follows this pattern:


In this instance, workaround requires nowiki codes in order to actually show the {{!}} markup, while title does not include nowiki codes, in order to show the title properly rendered with wiki code.

Sample output

Software limitations prevent us from representing the proper styling of this title, Project: Lazarus. See here for more details. Editors wishing to link to the article using the proper spelling can type [[Wrongname|Project: Lazarus]], or {{cs|Wrongname|Project: Lazarus}} if making use of {{cite source}}.

Note in the sample output at right that the template defaults to using workaround in two places. If title is defined, then it will replace the first instance of workaround.

Template classification

This template is intentionally misclassified as "non-article" for technical reasons.