
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Kardiac started watching Doctor Who broadcasts in the USA when there were only five Doctors. His first experience with the show was watching Jon Pertwee reruns on his local PBS station, followed by Tom, Peter, then back to Bill and Patrick. Due in no small part of "the first Doctor you see is 'your' Doctor syndrome," his favorite Doctor is Number Three. This is also why, to him, Roger Delgado will always be THE Master. Of the 2005 "regenerated" series' Doctors, his favorite is by far Matt Smith. This opinion is probably made more intense by Kardiac's obsession with all things Silurian.

His favorite Companions are Sarah Jane Smith, Jamie McCrimmon, and Amy Pond. As a teenager, he had a serious crush on Susan, and still longs for a guest appearance by Carole Ann Ford on the new series. Apparently, he never got over that crush.

Kardiac obsessively purchases all of the Doctor Who DVDs available in the USA, slowly replacing his VHS library as new ones are released. An avid gamemaster, he has run campaigns in all the various iterations of Doctor Who Role-Playing Games, including his current campaign using Cubicle 7's "Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space." Kardiac is also easily amused by talking about himself in the Third Person.