The Panopticon/The 60's Doctors, why this site fails

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

So, "everyone knows" that "the Doctor" is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who stole an old Type 40 TARDIS.(At least until Chris Chibnall came out with the "timeless child" retcon. Actually, the "timeless child" is interesting, as Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor can be the "timeless child", but fans despise making any earlier Doctors the "timeless child". Which does become significant later in this post.)

All articles are written with this understanding. It's plain fact. And as the Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, anyone who is "one of his own" is likewise a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. People like Susan Foreman and "the Meddling Monk".

However, this is simply not true. At all. And not only is this not true at all, but is also means multiple stories set prior to An Unearthly Child fall into the realms of the farcical.

The Doctor was a human scientist from the future who invented the original Mark I Tardis.(Yes, "Tardis" is 100% correct.)

Let us take you back.

First, here's a Radio Times article promoting The Web Planet


This is just one example of MANY. But the character is referred to as "Dr Who", his space-time machine is called "Tardis", and the characters are said to be "From Earth".

In The Savages Episode 2 we get these exchange:

EDAL: Why the concern, Doctor? They are only savages.

DOCTOR: They are men. Human beings, like you and me. Although it appears at the moment that you're behaving in a rather sub-human fashion.


DOCTOR: Human progress, sir? How dare you call your treatment of these people progress!

JANO: They are hardly people, Doctor. They are not like us. -- The Doctor referes to himself as a "human being. Because that's what he is.

And what of the TARDIS?

From The Chase Episode 3:

IAN: What's this, Doctor?

DOCTOR: That's my Time Path Detector. It's been in the ship ever since I constructed it. But do you know, I don't remember it registering before? -- Yes, the Doctor built the Tardis. And he says as much.

And of course from An Unearthly Child Episode 1:

BARBARA: You mean it moves?

SUSAN: The Tardis can go anywhere.

BARBARA: Tardis? I don't understand you, Susan.

SUSAN: Well, I made up the name Tardis from the initials, Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I thought you'd both understand when you saw the different dimensions inside from those outside.

-- Susan made up the name "Tardis" from the initials. This makes perfect sense as her grandfather was the one who made the thing in the first place.

In The Dalek Invasion of Earth Susan leaves the time travellers to stay with David. There is nothing at all about them being different species. It is clear that they are the same species, just from different eras.

But, you may say, surely The Tenth Planet Episode 4 shows that that can't possibly be the case? Nope. It confirms it.

DOCTOR: What did you say, my boy? It's all over. It's all over. That's what you said. No, but it isn't all over. It's far from being all over.

BEN: What are you taking about?

DOCTOR: I must get back to the Tardis immediately! --

And then, in Power of the Daleks Episode 1:

DOCTOR: I've been renewed, have I? That's it. I've been renewed. It's part of the Tardis. Without it, I couldn't survive. Come here. --

Troughton makes it 100% clear that this 'renewal' is entirely dependent on the Tardis. Does this change his biology?

Evil of the Daleks Episode 3:

DOCTOR: They want the human Factor, is that right?

WATERFIELD: Yes, that is what they want.

DOCTOR: Very complex. And you want to introduce this human factor into the race of Daleks?

DALEK: Yes, the conquest of humanity has eluded us. The Daleks must know why.

DOCTOR: Well why choose Jamie for this test?

DALEK: His travelling with you makes him unique.

DOCTOR: But why him, why not me?

DALEK: Request denied.


DALEK: You have travelled too much through time. You are more than human. -- Thus, the Doctor considers himself to be a human being, even at the end of Season 4. The Daleks believe that it's his travelling through time that makes him "more than human". But is that actually true?

Even at the end of Season Five the Doctor is still a human man. In The Wheel in Space Episode 3, the Doctor gets a full medical examination from human doctors, at a time in the future when humans have space travel. This includes listening to his chest. They find 'nothing at all unusual about the Doctor's physiology. All we get is..

CORWYN: You and your friend are healthy specimens, aren't you.

DOCTOR: Oh, we keep fit one way and another. I suppose all this mean I've got to get up.

CORWYN: No, I'm afraid not just yet.

DOCTOR: Oh good.

CORWYN: Does your head ache?

DOCTOR: Well, it did, but it's better now.

CORWYN: Any loss of memory?

DOCTOR: Well, just a little.

CORWYN: Does it make you anxious?

DOCTOR: I think you'll find my psyche in very good order.

CORWYN: Probably, but don't strain to remember. Concussion can bring about temporary lapses in memory. There is quite a lot we don't know about the memory bank yet, you know. Good. I suppose the part that you can't remember is why you told Jamie to protect the rocket. ---

The Doctor has a normal HUMAN body.

This is 100% true in the spin-offs as well. As just one example of SEVERAL..

The Lair of Zarbi Supremo(page 20 of The Dr Who Annual(1966)):

Dr. Who heaved a sigh of relief, and going over to the group of Menoptera prisoners who were still standing motionless, he released them by lifting from their necks the rings which in some odd way must have hypnotised them. Voices began to speak to him. Not human voices, but the soft furry voices of his previous meetings on Vortis with the peaceful Menoptera. But he took no notice. He wanted to be with his own kind again.

"Your father Gordon, how is he?" asked one of them men. "And you, sir, how in heaven's name did you come here in the nick of time? We'd given ourselves up for lost. You're from Earth. Where is your ship? When did you land?" --

Yes, Dr Who was from Earth, and humans were "his own kind".

Who then was Peter Butterworth playing? The answers are right there. First thing first:

From The Time Meddler Episode 3:

(Banging at the door.)

MONK: The door. I must go.

DOCTOR: Just leave that, shall we?

MONK: But if I don't go, they'll get suspicious.

DOCTOR: Then we'll both go. I'll open the door, then I can keep an eye on you.

MONK: You open the door? No, Doctor, that's not a very good idea.

DOCTOR: Oh, isn't it? Why not?

MONK: Because you're not wearing the right sort of clothes.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes, I see, I see. First, you want to open the door, then you want the chance to reverse the position with the help of whoever it is outside? Secondly, you want to get me into a monk's habit so that whoever that is, would recognise me as an imposter.

MONK: Dear me, dear me, what an untrusting nature you have, my son.

DOCTOR: Yes, and you can drop the monk's act.

MONK: I'm only trying to help. Whoever it is, it's probably as traveller knocking for shelter. Who else could it be? Doctor, I must remind you this is a monastery, a place of refuge, sanctuary.

DOCTOR: Yes, very well, if you have another cloak with the same type of cowl? Proceed.

MONK: Of course.

DOCTOR: And remember, no more monkery! --

He's not an actual monk, and he's not CALLED "The Monk" or "The Meddling Monk" or any STUPID name like that. He is disguised as a monk, and so, as his actual identity is not revealed, people refer to him as "the monk". But NOT "The Monk".

What is he doing?

Vicki and Steven find his plans:

VICKI: Why has he done a lot of things? Listen to this.

STEVEN: Why? What have you got there?

VICKI: A logbook. A sort of diary. Listen. Met Leonardo Da Vinci.


VICKI: Da Vinci. Listen! Met Leonardo Da Vinci and discussed with him the principles of powered flight.

STEVEN: What? Da Vinci lived in the middle ages. I know he tried to build a flying machine, a sort of aeroplane.

VICKI: I know and according to this it was the Monk who put him up to it. And listen to this: Put two hundred pounds in a London bank in 1968. Nipped forward two hundred years and collected a fortune in compound interest. --

Why would someone from another planet even care at all about any of that?


DOCTOR: Are you quite mad? You know as well as I do the golden rule about space and time travelling. Never, never interfere with the course of history.

MONK: And who says so? Doctor, it's more fun my way. I can make things happen ahead of their time.

DOCTOR: Is that so?

MONK: Yes, indeed. For instance, do you really believe the ancient Britons could have built Stonehenge without the aid of my anti-gravitational lift?

DOCTOR: And what mischief are you up to now?

MONK: Mischief? No, no. A master plan. A master plan to end all master plans.

DOCTOR: Oh, is that so?

MONK: The whole course of history changed in one single swoop.

DOCTOR: By wiping out the Viking fleet?

MONK: Exactly, Doctor, exactly. Of course, obviously, I don't have to remind you that the main reason William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings, was because King Harold had to march to Stamford Bridge and defeat the Vikings first. --

Again, only a HUMAN would care at all about any of that.


MONK: Well, for instance, Harold, King Harold, I know he'd be a good king. There wouldn't be all those wars in Europe, those claims over France went on for years and years. With peace the people'd be able to better themselves. With a few hints and tips from me they'd be able to have jet airliners by 1320! Shakespeare'd be able to put Hamlet on television.


Again, this can not possibly be anything other than a HUMAN MAN. Anything other would be absurd.

This is made even more clear by a statement from the Doctor:

DOCTOR: What are we going to do with this fellow? What can we do with this man? He's utterly irresponsible. He wants to destroy the whole pattern of world history. -- Not "this world's history" or "Earth history"...'world history'.

As for the human man disguised as a monk, we know from The Daleks' master Plan that he was able to bypass the dimensional controller. After the Doctor shrunk the interior of his timespace ship in The Time Meddler.

Also, of major note, the Doctor damages Peter Butterworth's character's chameleon circuit in The Daleks' Master Plan. yet he very quickly repairs it. Something the Doctor was never able to do with his Tardis.

(Note too that Butterworth refers to his "time ship" rather than his 'Tardis'. Because Susan came up with the name 'Tardis'.)

And as for the later, more advanced model itself..

DOCTOR: You know, all this is very surprising. That's a Mark 4! -- The only way the Doctor could know that is if he knew what a "Mark 4" was before he left in his Mark 1. (And note they are referred to as "Mark 4" etc., rather than something like "Type 40".)

And take note of this:

DOCTOR: Well, I must confess, er, I do congratulate you. It's a splendid machine. Although I do note there's been quite a few changes?

MONK: Oh, yes, indeed, Doctor. In fact this one is fitted with the automatic drift control.

DOCTOR: Oh, I see, yes, of course. And, er, thereby you can suspend yourself in space with absolute safety. -- Why would the Doctor congratulate the other character on his time-space ship?

We know that Butterworth is "from the same place"(Note: NOT "the same planet" or "the same world". Place, as in a smaller location.) We know Butterworth was able to repair his chameleon circuit. We know Butterworth was able to bypass the dimensional controller.

And now the Doctor, who invented the Mark 1, is congratulating Butterworth on his more advanced machine.

Because the time meddler is the one who made those advancements to the time-space ship he is travelling in.

Just like the Doctor, he's a human scientist from the future.

Nothing else makes even the slightest bit of sense.

-- So, we KNOW that for at least Seasons 1 through 5 the Doctor was a human scientists from the future who invented the time-space ship. Susan was his human granddaughter who came up with the name "Tardis". And after the Doctor had parted ways with Susan, the Doctor encountered another human scientists from the future, one who had made adjustments/improvements which resulted in a more advanced time-space ship. And the Doctor's renewal/change of appearance in The Tenth Planet 4 was 100% because of the Tardis. And even after that human doctors who did a thorough examination on him could find nothing unusual about his human biology. --

Then the end of Season 6 changed everything. The Doctor became a Time Lord who stole his TARDIS. We soon found out that he had two hearts, his blood was different to human blood etc., and Jon Pertwee wouldn't shut up about how he was not human at all.

Really, somewhere around Season 6 it became a totally different show.

And while people today take it for granted that the show was retconned, and that's that, many Hartnell and Troughton stories don't make any sense at all...unless the Doctor is a human from the future who invented the Tardis/TARDIS.

Note how Susan isn't mentioned at all in The War Games(or the Pertwee Era). --

Any story that is set before An Unearthly Child...on Gallifrey...thus is an abomination.

Any story that "brings back the monk", whether as 'Mortimus' or 'the Meddling Monk', and makes him a Time an abomination.

Any story that attempts to "explain away" Susan's relationship to the an abomination.

Any story set before The War Games that features Time an abomination. -- -- And that's why this wiki can't work.

William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford and Peter Butterworth all played human time travellers from the future on television. And so did Patrick Troughton, for most of the time he was on the show.

To claim otherwise is preposterous.

And all those Comics, Virgin Missin Adventures, Big Finish Audios, BB Past Doctor Adventures, or "flashback" scenes in the television show etc. that are set before The War Games, and feature Time Lords, Gallifrey etc. ...have got nothing at all to do with the era in which they are supposed to be set.

There is no "grand unifying". Hey, Scream of the Shalka was 100% the official continuation of the show. Who's to say it's not?

William Hartnell and Jon Pertwee actually played two totally different characters.

And of course Jodie Whittaker's character has got nothing at all to do with any Doctor who ever went before.

And we've known the Doctor's name all along: