Doctor Who at the BBC: Lost Treasures

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Doctor Who at the BBC: Lost Treasures was the 2013 instalment in BBC Audio's Doctor Who at the BBC CD series. This release featured clips of radio interviews and press conferences gathered from fans and other public sources.

Publisher summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

Louise Jameson presents another time travelling journey through six decades of radio and TV broadcasting, uncovering rarities from behind the scenes of Doctor Who

Do you remember when the Fourth Doctor called in on Peter Murray's Open House? or when Louise Jameson was menaced by a Dalek on BBC Radio Bristol? Do you remember when June Whitfield auditioned a Dalek? If these things passed you by in the 1970s and 1980s, now's your chance to catch up!

Featuring rare recordings from the BBC archives and beyond, Doctor Who at the BBC: Lost Treasures is full of gems. There are recollections from six lead actors — Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith — plus their companion co-stars Louise Jameson, Lalla Ward, Nicholas Courtney, Karen Gillan and Jenna Coleman, and production personnel including Delia Derbyshire, Peter Howell, Pennant Roberts, Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat. There are also features on the show's famous theme tune; the recovery of a lost TV episode; the cancellation of Shada and the legendary exhibition at Blackpool, along with excerpts from a radio programme broadcast live from a Doctor Who convention!

Louise Jameson (Leela) is your guide on this entertaining tour behind the scenes of the series which has been entertaining us all for an astonishing half century.

Production credits[[edit] | [edit source]]

Track listings[[edit] | [edit source]]

CD 1[[edit] | [edit source]]

Programme Channel Date Featuring
Information Please BBC Light Programme c. 1964 Delia Derbyshire, unidentified BBC interviewer
Music Machine: TV Theme Tunes BBC Radio 3 28 May 1996 Sue Nelson, Peter Howell, Neil Gaiman
Richard Latto's Drivetime BBC Radio Solent 30 May 2011 Richard Latto, David Stead
Shelved BBC Radio 4 12 December 2009 Shaun Ley, Tom Baker, Jeremy Bentham, Pennant Roberts, Lalla Ward
Graham Norton BBC Radio 2 17 March 2012 Graham Norton, interviewing Lalla Ward
Pete Murray's Open House BBC Radio 2 24 December 1975 Tom Baker, Pete Murray, unidentified alien voice
Hopscotch BBC Radio Bristol c. March 1978 Unidentified interviewer, Louise Jameson, schoolchildren including Steven Maggs, unidentified song performers
BBC local radio programme c. 1984 Unidentified presenter, Ray Dale
Latham's Light Programme BBC Wiltshire Sound 27 August 1989 Sylvester McCoy, David Latham
BBC local radio programme c. 1996 Unidentified presenter, Jon Pertwee
The News Huddlines BBC Radio 2 14 April 1988 Roy Hudd, June Whitfield, Dalek voice

CD 2[[edit] | [edit source]]

Programme Channel Date Featuring
Promotional Trailer for The Green Death Unidentified channel c. March 1993 Nicholas Courtney
Latham's Light Programme BBC Wiltshire Sound 27 August 1989 Nicholas Courtney, David Latham
Front Row BBC Radio 4 20 April 2011 Graham Norton, Steven Moffat
Breakfast BBC One 21 April 2011 Bill Turnbull, Sian Williams, David Tennant, Elisabeth Sladen
Graham Norton BBC Radio 2 23 April 2011 Graham Norton, Steven Moffat
Graham Norton BBC Radio 2 30 April 2011 Graham Norton, Christopher Eccleston
Night Waves BBC Radio 3 15 December 2009 Matthew Sweet, Steven Moffat
Steve Wright BBC Radio 2 21 November 2011 Steve Wright, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan
Richard Bacon BBC Radio 5 Live 15 December 2011 Richard Bacon, Matt Smith, Steven Moffat
Richard Bacon BBC Radio 5 Live 11 March 2013 Richard Bacon, Mitch Benn, Marcus Wilson, Jenna-Louise Coleman
The Last Word BBC Radio 4 10 June 2011 Matthew Bannister, Elvis McGonagle, Roy Skelton

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • BBC Audio had appealed to the public in 2004 for home recordings of Doctor Who related materiel. The bulk of this release was made up of these submissions.
  • This was the final release in the Doctor Who at the BBC series, and one of the last items published by AudioGO before the company closed down.
  • The disc was also included in the simultaneous release of the 50 Years of Doctor Who at the BBC box set.
  • Although this was the seventh release in the series, it was marked as Volume 8 due to the inclusion of Project WHO? in the 50 Years box.
  • Louise Jameson narrated this release, substituting for the recently departed Elisabeth Sladen.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

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