MediaWiki:ISBN fix.js
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
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/* This code will change ISBN links to point to the url of your choice,
instead of Special:Booksources, when you are logged in.
How to use it:
1.) Make sure you are logged in, so you can edit your user javascript
2.) Copy the entire contents of this page that appears
beneath the comment, "CODE BEGINS", to your user javascript page.
This page can be found at User:<your username>/common.js ,
where <your username> is replaced by your user name. For example,
if your user name is DWfan, your javascript page is
User:DWfan/common.js .
3.) If you want to change the destination URL from to another book
source, change the value of the book_source_URL. Go to
[[Tardis:Book sources]] and copy the URL of the book source you want to
use (right-click or ctrl-click the link, then click "Copy Link Location",
"Copy Target", or similar). Put the new URL BETWEEN THE QUOTES next
to book_source_URL, in place of the URL now there.
4.) Once satisfied with the destination url, and your javascript page saved,
you may have to refresh your browser cache in order for the code to be
The code should now work, as long as you are logged in.
This code was written by [[wikipedia:user:Lunchboxhero]] and derives from
[[wikipedia:user:Lunchboxhero/vector.js]]. Significant improvements by
[[wikipedia:user:Superm401]] and [[wikipedia:user:drrngravy]]. The phrase
"this code" includes not only this page, but also
=========== */
var book_source_URL = "";
/* =-=-=-=-=-
If you want to turn this fix off, and return to seeing all the links
at the Special:BookSources page, simply comment out the above lines
on your wikia.js or common.js files. You can achieve this one of two ways: */
// This line is commented out.
// But I have to add the slashes before each line.
// Seriously, every time.
/* This line is commented out
But every other line is, too.
Until I add this closing syntax --> */