Möbius strip

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Möbius strip
The Twist in the 40th century. (COMIC: The Twist [+]Loading...["The Twist (comic story)"])

A Möbius strip, or Möbius loop, was a mathematical shape that had only one side. (PROSE: Conundrum [+]Loading...["Conundrum (novel)"]) The shape of a Möbius strip was associated with the infinity symbol. (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness [+]Loading...["Instruments of Darkness (novel)"])

Rassilon turned the Divergent Universe into a Möbius loop to imprison the Divergent. (AUDIO: Zagreus [+]Loading...["Zagreus (audio story)"])

Homunculette heard a story where Ruthventracolixabaxil starved to death when an anarchitect turned his TARDIS into Möbius loop. (PROSE: Alien Bodies [+]Loading...["Alien Bodies (novel)"])

The Second Doctor reconfigured a corridor in the TRADIS into a Möbius loop in an attempt to trap Marmaduke. (PROSE: Constant Companion [+]Loading...["Constant Companion (short story)"])

To explain Möbian space to Adric, the Fourth Doctor took a strip of paper, twisted one end, and formed a loop, which created a Möbius strip. (PROSE: Conundrum [+]Loading...["Conundrum (novel)"])

The Eighth Doctor joked that a true one-edged sword would be a Möbius strip. (PROSE: Fallen Gods [+]Loading...["Fallen Gods (novel)"])

The Osirans had an orbital Möbius strip near Arcturus. (PROSE: River of Time [+]Loading...["River of Time (short story)"])

The Twist was a colony ship in the shape of a Möbius strip. (COMIC: The Twist [+]Loading...["The Twist (comic story)"])